
I think MLS used to have 3 game playoff series in the hilarious early years (along with the notorious leg-breaking 40 yard penalty shoot-outs). Just too bloated in an already long-winded season + playoffs. And yeah, doesn't solve what to do with draws.

LA lost the second leg of the Western Conference Championship against Seattle, and tied in the aggregate, but managed to advance by virtue of scoring the one single away goal of the series. And now they're hosting the Finals. Bullcrap!

Was Michael Ruffin's infamous half-hook lob to Mo Pete a post-dagger loss?

Two nights after having one more assist than the Heat (13 v 12).

You can get decent tickets to Wizards games (weeknights in particular) on StubHub for less than $20.

So moving on from my jokey reply, some actual thoughts on this. The Bullets/Wizards have such a small slice of this area because of a combination of factors.

White. People.

Whoa, looks like I might have to switch from my normal McSurf-n-Turf

Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity are not suiting up for the gridiron.

Kabobs Named After Santa's Reindeer, Ranked

We're heading toward an "it depends on what the definition of 'is' is" situation here.

It would paint him as a complete incompetent, and a moron.

Thankfully, no one's watching.

"And that's how my Vikings family became a Viking/Bengals/Eagles/Steelers/Cowboys family …"

He's trying to succeed at the most challenging and most important position in all of American sports. Sure maybe he could adapt to become a marginal drop back passer but he's not equipped to be a top ten QB, the kind of return the Redskins need on their investment.

After Griffin's playoff knee explosion, I was chatting with a couple doctors here in DC about the injury. An orthopedist colleague of theirs saw the x-rays and simply said, "he's finished." And that's exactly how it's turned out. All over bar a lot of shouting.

We're in Montgomery, but my mom thinks it was a tradition with some Baltimore Germans. I don't know anyone else who makes kraut with turkey so I was surprised that it was Maryland's distinctive thing here as well.

Marylander here - sauerkraut with turkey is fantastic. My mom makes it, but I didn't know it was a thing. You use the drippings/basting liquid to flavor the kraut as you warm it up. The acidity of the kraut wakes up dull ass turkey. Better then eating jellied Masshole garbage fruit on the side IMHO no offense.