If its not going to end up looking like this, I’ll pass:
If its not going to end up looking like this, I’ll pass:
So [Watercraft] [Watercraft] was too on-the-nose for you, but [Protein] [Protein] wasn’t? Fuck you.
Kind of an extreme way to make the move to skeleton
No, worries, mademoiselle, the oldest hipster in Brooklyn is on the case.
Good news is Edd seems to be doing okay in his new life.
Toyota Corolla owned by the accountant of a Russian scrapyard was completely crushed.
Does she mean fasting? Because as I understand it on a hunger strike you are prepared to die for your cause, not quit eating for a few days.
“What were you thinking? You could have been robbed!”
you would absolutely die if you jumped into a pool of whisky. or at least, it would super fuck you up. Distilled alcohol doesn’t allow you to be as buoyant, so you’d have to fight really hard just to get out. Also, the fumes and intensity of it would probably intoxicate you, choke you, and sting your eyes and throat…
The impetus for me was the onset of the 24-36 hour hangover. It was then that I surrendered
Wait ten years, you will be praying for death like me.
Cue the braying apologists who have never had to deal with being targeted by officers....”Well, if you just do what you’re told, none of this happens!”, as if anything less than complete cowering is deserving of whatever the officers feel like dishing out.
Im using the belkin 12 Outloet Pivot plug pwoer strip surge proctector with 8-Foot Power cord, 4320 Joules. Have been using it from 3 years now and its working without an issue. I live in the islands where we have frequent power outages so this thing is going strong. I really like having the pivoting sockets as well…
Im using the belkin 12 Outloet Pivot plug pwoer strip surge proctector with 8-Foot Power cord, 4320 Joules. Have…
I’m just going to throw this out there- if you live in a home with a water heater, chances are that you have 40+ gallons of clean drinking water stored in there. There isn’t such a significant need to horde bottled water, unless you’re concerned about your water source getting compromised. However if you have a well,…
First thing that caught my eye. A few tips for Lupica:
I’ve made this argument on Jez to much (obvious) contention but really, I just don’t think comedy is for progressives. Modern progressives are too sensitive and go into viewing entertainment with a list of boxes to check for groups and subgroups and sub-subgroups that shouldn’t be “offended.”
How mature and brave of you. Does your arm get tired from patting yourself on the back for such heroism? I deplore the president but his saying “give him a chance” is not an admission of support. By no means deplorable enough to never listen to a historically great comic again.
I thought the same thing. I’ve never felt older or poorer than I did when reading that line. My grade school had a “computer lab” full of these:
Sorry, but it just ain’t Dragon Ball to me unless it’s this theme song:
Scary, but it doesn't look like the same pool.