Ketchup Fingers

Another misleading title. She doesn't spend $2,000 daily on beauty products. She uses expensive products daily. And the products individually aren't THAT expensive, considering how much she makes.. I've been known to dump $50 on skin products and I'm not even close to Martha rich.

Sigh. You guys don't really 'get' the Malaise Era, do you.

What? His endzone celebration was pretty laid back if you ask me.

My old football coach would say, "Curls? Curls will get you laid, but won't make your arms strong."

Right. I mean, the guy could very well have been making a rape joke — I'm just saying that given the context of the situation, a jeer that essentially tells the other person to accept their ill fate does not necessarily have to be rape-related; and while it's not much (if at all) better to use the taunt with regards

I'm not saying that this was NOT a rape joke (because I can't know how the person who made the comments meant for it to be taken), but I do not believe that this particular comments is necessarily rape-related.

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