
I sure wish the AP article included the abortion rates in Indiana, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania for the corresponding period. And I wouldn’t be at *all* surprised to learn that there was an upswing in OH women ordering mifepristone online for all those brain tumors and psychotic episodes they’re suffering all of a


I’m a grown-ass adult, and I have to come clean about something: I only every use the “cheese grater” side of the multi-sided graters. I have no fucking idea what the other three or four sides even are for, let alone how to use them.

I’m a grown-ass adult, and I have to come clean about something: I only every use the “cheese grater” side of the

My experience is they’re usually coked up. That’s East Coast bar drug of choice anyhow, maybe different in Chicago?

I’m totally buying that chicken. Who wouldn’t want a chicken companion for adventuring? Good enough for Dorothy, good enough for me.

That was my assumption as well. One of the aspects of being born with ovaries that I find really neat is that all of your eggs are already in there when you are born. They live and die with you your whole life, so each of your gametes has been with you thru everything you’ve ever done, unless it becomes a blastocyst

"Well, how do you explain the pregnancy then?"

"Look, that restaurant gets around. It had problems looong before I arrived on the scene."

Well good. I like ice cream and thin mints separately. I am confident I will like them together.

The anti-choicers getting abortions and continue to picket the clinic where they received care is a common incident. You can find whole collections of stories from abortion providers dealing with patients like this. It’s the “There Are Only Three Moral Abortions” concept: 1) Rape, 2) Life of Mother, 3) Mine. Assholes.

Not to mention making it potentially far more fatal. How long until a Kansas woman dies due to infection like Savita Halappanavar did, because the medical staff are too afraid of being prosecuted to give her proper medical care? Not too fucking long, I’d wager. Assholes.

Is it just me, or are those things *deep* in the Uncanny Valley of Dolldom?

"FratPAC also mentioned on the call, HuffPo reports, that they've raised some $2 million in the last ten years. FEC data shows that FratPAC gave about $210,000 to federal candidates and sitting elected officials in 2014, nearly 70 percent of it to Republicans."

I'm pretty sure that this is what he does, and has done for some time. These women just happened to be in a position to do something about it, and the cops were inclined to listen. A man once pulled his (white windowless) van over next to me and asked me something in a low voice. I got closer and asked him to repeat

That's an official medical diagnosis? I have an awesome image of my cervix lolling around at the top of the Vag, dropping things and generally pissing off the Uterus and the Vag. They get together late and night and complain, "God! Cervix is just sooo incompetent. We would be better off without it." *Cervis looks

My favorite part is at the end, where he literally says it's not *fair*: "And to single out individuals or organizations who happen to get caught in compromising situations that everybody else is equally complicit in, is not fair. It's not just..."

This is what bail bonds are for: the bondsman pays your full bail to the court and you pay them a percentage of that (usually 10%) as a fee. When you show up for court, the bondsman gets their money back from court, plus your percentage. If you don't show, the bail is forfeit, which is why bondsmen tend to be

This. Is. AMAZING. Now I feel compelled to go home and put tape on my cat. (I have done this before with old scotch tape. She hated it, but was unharmed by the experience. Also it was funny.)

Well, that's your problem right there...

We of Massachusetts managed to shoot at the British first, before anyone else started shooting at them. Because they started shooting at everyone else because we started shooting at them. With our guns, that we had back then. Like seven whole militia men died! We made a statue about that gunshot and everything! We do

10 to 1 he's a he, and a Gamergater. They are very partial to the pithy phrase "feels not reals" (often spelled Edgy With a Z), which disdainfully implys that A) "Feelings" or emotions, or emotional states, exist in some twilight "not real" world, while Facts and Reason are the most real of reality and B) Those who