
I guess I'm just over pnitpicky complaints with no issue whatsoever. Half the comments here seem to be "oh, it looks like MW2". Well, it's a COD/MW game. What the hell is it supposed to look like, Alex Kidd in Miracle World?

I downloaded TF2 a couple of weeks ago (for free) and played it for the first time since an aborted attempt to play it on the 360 when The Orange Box came out in 2007.

"It's interesting, but there had better be a feature of it that tracks everyone you kill, lists them off, and lets you see the details of all of them."

The free version is probably on par with but we don't really know the full extent of the tracking at this stage.


The paid features of Elite is basically improved clan support, access to competitions where you can win stuff, additional upload capacity and additional DLC. You also get the map packs for free so assuming there's 3-4 packs and assuming you buy all of them (not impossible given the precedent set by Black Ops) if you

Black Ops was terrible anyway, you didn't miss anything.

I can't view the video at work but the YouTube preview still was enough to make me lol.

I tried a little harder to find the source of the Krayt dragon and Wookieepedia credits the 1981 radio plays with the origin of the Krayt Dragon reference.

The Krayyt Dragon thing was mentioned in the novelization of Star Wars. I actually cant find any particular information about the novelization I have - it was quite old when it fell into my hands as a kid. for all I know it was released alongside the movie, or alongside Splinter of the Mind's Eye in 1978.

At this point, there's nothing a remake can do worse than Lucas is doing, remaking it 15 minutes at a time over the decades until it's a completely different film anyway. Bring it on.

What the hell are you talking about?

I knew what I was getting into. :D

Did you find this Gizmodo article to be:

Wait, this posts to Gizmodo anyway? Was I unsuspended?

I was suspended from Gizmodo for expressing my real feelings about this article (which may or may not have involved liberal use of the C-word... ok it totally did), so I'm going to use this opportunity to compliment Jezebel here so I can get starred and authorise the hundreds of accounts who signed up just to trash

I said some unkind things to and about Alyssa and got suspendedfrom Gizmodo for a week.

Really? I thought things were maybe starting to pick up again after a whole lotta nothing.

Safety Dance doesn't get stuck in your head. It lives there, and surfaces when you need it.

Oh no, I have been moderated again! A warning and my second post moved to the troll patrol. That doesn't change the fact that this was a shit article written by a worthless human being.