
My last post got removed from the main trhread, apparently for trolling. No Gizmodo, I was not trolling. When I called Alyssa a cunt, that was my sincere opinion of her and this messed up excuse for an article. This worthless, vapid, shallow whore decided she would write an "article" about her experience - and instead


Hey Alyssa? You're a cunt.

No way man, it's just a bubble blower. I think it's perfectly normal for college students to sit around a giant pipe on pillows, taking turns at 'blowing bubbles' then giggling themselves into a fit.

Yeah, Weeds went cuckoo banana crazy cakes around the time Nancy married the DEA agent. Admittedly I missed a bunch of episodes but what I did see made it really hard to care.

Unlikely since we know Jack is the face of Bo.

The thing is, people don't seem to have Jack's immortality. They don't regenerate like he does - they just have crippling injuries, forever. If they did, it would be much less of a problem.

The first season of most Sci-Fi shows are a bit shit. Star Trek: TNG, Voyager, Buffy, Angel, Stargate SG-1 & Atlantis, Sanctuary, Warehouse 13, Hex, Lost Girl... if you take those shows based on the first season alone, you'd assume they were bad too.


According to SotoSaki (who posted just after you), you get to choose your platform - I'm guessing similar to how the First Access Club from Duke Nukem worked.

Yeah, given how popular Borderlands was (against all odds, if you ask me) we can expect Borderlands 2 to have a multi-million unit day one, easy. I don't think it'll break entertainment sales records or anything (not with COD pushing that bar a little higher every year), but it'll do fine.

Notch said in the video that you'll lose health if you have an empty hunger bar.

I came in pretty late to Minecraft so I haven't spent a heap of time with it, but in the last three weeks I've probably spent 25-30 hours on it just digging and building and looking for resources. I'm thankful it's going to get updated to have more stuff, even randomly generated towns seem pretty exciting to me.

Yeah, for Smith moments it kicks the hell out of the Pandorica episode. That was a pretty major letdown.

I believe they're giving the Daleks a long break now, the Tennant seasons really overused them.

What about the Daleks being responsible for the construction of the Empire State Building?

Yeah, the first game was ok to play through once, but by the time the second one game out I'd well lost interest. I'm maybe 10 minutes into it and not at all compelled to go back.

I personally don't feel there's anything wrong with releasing it for the current gen (though I am on the cynical side that just wants Valve to release HL2E3 already and is sick of seeing other projects coming out year after year). I just know there is going to be a lot of snark and whining on both sides.

So it's similar enough to the old CS that cynical people can complain about how it's just a reskin of an old game being resold for maximum profit, and has enough changes so longtime fans can bitch and moan about every fucking thing that is now "wrong".

Thank you!