
Wheels? Doors? Engine? Ugh. I also hate when car manufacturers try to hide their lazy designs by flipping the chassis so the engine is in the back, as if that makes any difference. I want to see some innovation! The next gen of cars should get rid of these outmoded concepts and start fresh.

Hetero marriage is still a thing? SO 15th century. I don't know why developers still insist on including such an archaic institution into their triple A titles.

Actually that's exactly what he said. He rattled off a point about Sony bundles including current exclusives while Xbox bundles include last year's exclusives, and made a point that there's been no worthwhile Xbox-exclusives this year. He then went on to say, and I quote:

Because if it's not an exclusive, it's not worth playing.

If I were to go back to doing martial arts now (it's been several years), I think I probably remember 75% of the techniques I learned and have retained some of my flexibility. I would consider it a personal objective to get back to my original level of fitness and relearn everything I have forgotten.

Actually, in my particular class everyone was held to the same levels of fitness. We ran the same laps, did the same stretching exercises, etc. Because I was the one white guy in a class full of Asians, I was usually pitted against higher level belts during sparring so I didn't accidentally hurt anyone - which

Your argument just descended through several new stratas of stupid.

Extra Credits did an video on Gamification while they were on the Escapist, they have some interesting thoughts on the topic.

Why is person A assumed to be motivated to maintain his fitness and health and person B not? Because he's sick of the "game"? Do you have any idea how many people drop their diets/exercise routines because they can't stay motivated long term?

This reminds me of the alt-text on a recent xkcd comic:

Yeah, it really annoys me when I see some hot new iPhone/iPad app that I played five years ago on Kongregate or Newgrounds. Look at Angry Birds for instance - it's basically just Crush the Castle with brighter colours. Angry Birds is getting a cartoon and probably a fricken movie or something.

While true, EA were kind of trying to indicate this. Kotick smarmily remarked that he hadn't seen the game running on consoles and considered BF3 a PC title - EA have shot back that Kotick's a douchebag (I'm paraphrasing) and while accurate, it seems his comments weren't entirely off the mark.

The disappointment stems from the performance of the console - there's also the point that there's weapons that you have to unlock via co-op before you can access them in multiplayer, which frankly I don't like at all. That tells me they're lacking confidence in the other parts of the game and don't want people just

It's just an odd decision to make. I appreciate that to play online you have to be online, but considering how vital the browser is, I really don't see why iot can't be integrated like the console version is - especially since if you have a bad server on the PC version and want to re-browse, you have to quit out of

So the console version is disappointing and the PC version doesn't have an integrated server browser.

An idiotic everyman files a frivolous lawsuit to get attention and is caught off guard when America's wacky legal system wins him the case and the entirety of the company's assets.

Give it time, I say. If privatisation of everything interests you you might be entertained by Jennifer Government. It's not a great book, but it has some fun ideas.

I did the same, but mainly because the ending was a bit dsappointing. I also felt like Raven became a lot less intimidating after YT met him on the raft - not because he took her to his room and knocked himself out on her drugged dentata, but because of the way he was described once she got a good look at him. When I

You make the argument that I cannot judge value or have an opinion... why? Because my opinion differs from yours? If I am of the opinion that SotD had replay value and DS2 didn't, is that really less true than you saying the opposite? Really? That's just one example of what's wrong with your post. I could go on but I

I only bring up DS2 not to compare the games, but only on the basis of EA's marketing.