Haha, I didn't even notice it in the text. I thought having it in the skull was cool, but damn, you're right.
Haha, I didn't even notice it in the text. I thought having it in the skull was cool, but damn, you're right.
I'm 28. I'm mature enough to enjoy juvenile things.
I think you mean the awesome category of the things they set out to lampoon. Who doesn't enjoy some senseless sex and violence?
inFamous and Dead Nation for me. If my wife gets her own two games to download as well (uncertain since it might be 2 games per console rather than per user ID) we might get Quest for Booty and LBP as well... though I already had LBP once and didn't like it much, and everyone would probably be playing LBP2 by now. I…
I don't care if there's gay characters that someone can choose for their Shepard to interact with, as long as it makes sense for them to be gay in the context of the way their character was built. Gay characters won't affect canon any more than male Shepard banging Miranda or Tali instead of Liara or Femshep sleeping…
Activision never said they'd charge a subscription for multiplayer that shipped on-disc alongside a solo campaign like the COC games we know now. What Kotick wants is a subscription based MMO-style call of duty as a standalone product, probably not unlike MAG.
Those commenters were not arguing that the decisions were financially sound or unsound, just that money is being spent. You turned the debate into about which decision was the best long term financial option, not about one of entertainment derived from using a service. Fireemblem40 was being derisive about people who…
You haven't justified why, however, you arbitrarily applied a $500 price tag to a game that is completely free to play, unless you choose to contribute to obtains premium items. You are attempting to imply that the typical Farmville player makes an investment of $500 on digital items and gains no tangible benefit -…
Absolutely he was a genius. Dude got rich selling people rocks.
That's an expensive strawman you've bought there.
Was I supposed to read that in the voice of the announcer from Gauntlet?
The fact that their games are 80% skinner-box techniques and 20% pretty colours doesn't mean that Zynga aren't clever for exploiting the market.
Well hopefully this means some real innovation will start to come out of Zynga now. What does it mean for Sony? Meh, who cares.
Why does Kaidan have to be gay just because your ManShep is?
Ashley is dead in all my games. :)
But they were all kind of bland. Anyone you didn't pursue a relationship with was perpetually calibrating the guns or had important work to do.
The whole point is to force people to buy new, they're being pretty transparent about this.
As long as I get the full retail experience by paying full retail price, fine. Real DLC costs extra, I understand that.
I don't have any dead pixels on my old silver DS Phat, and frankly after the abuse I gave it during my Trauma Centre phase I would have expected some.
True, but that's par for the course. The original release dates for DNF (the release dates for this year anyway, heh) had the US getting it first by 2 or 3 days. Now that it's been pushed back to June the US gets it 4 days after Europe. Weird.