It's taken so damn long for them to get this out that at this point I can't help but wonder if the game was pushed back a month JUST because they didn't have the demo ready yet.
It's taken so damn long for them to get this out that at this point I can't help but wonder if the game was pushed back a month JUST because they didn't have the demo ready yet.
I personally rate the games I've played from the COD series thusly:
They exist enough to still be providing support for MW2. A new patch went up on the 360 version just today. I'm assuming there'd have been a PS3 patch too if... you know...
Well, Ubisoft have Uplay, EA have their various project ten-dollar systems such as Cerberus Network for Mass Effect, I don't see why Activision can't have this Beachhead thing for their games.
Holy shit, I don't think I've ever been that excited about anything.
I have a feeling we'll only play part of the game as Ezio then switch to his son later on. The memory will probably end halfway through the story with Ezio conceiving a child, then pick up some 18 years later when that child is an adult, with Ezio dead.
No, as Ezio's ancestor, Desmond can only experience memories passed directly along the genetic line. Anything Ezio does after he conceives his last child can't be passed along via genetic memory because it's not recorded in anyone's DNA.
I peronally played Reach almsot non-stop until the second map pack. Now I'm just kind of over it. I burned out on Reach waaay faster than I burned out on Halo 3.
Sorry, yeah, I originally typed Dark Forces, don't know why I dropped the 2 in there.
Have they done any games that don't have at least some grounding in the movies? Yuuzhan Vong are entirely EU. Even Rogue Squadron is at least based on the name of the squadron that took down the first Death Star.
Well technically the Jedi Knight series is just part of the Dark Forces series. The only one that isn't a direct sequel to Dark Forces starring Jedi-trainee Kyle Katarn is Jedi Academy, with a cameo from Jedi Master Kyle Katarn.
These are the people who signed off on The Force Unleashed 2. They've clearly lost it.
Dark Forces 2 was pretty great in my opinion, for it's age, but they really stepped it up with Jedi Knight. JK2 was pretty, but lacked substance. Jedi Academy was better, but nowhere near the level of KOTOR.
The only one I haven't played was Battlefront II. I only played Battlefront 1 and it was great but slightly lacking in variety of gameplay - also invincible Jedi NPCs were annoying. I hear Battlefront II was pretty much everything I could have asked for.
Sounded like the Arbiter to me.
Batarians eat babies. Delicious, squishy human babies.
It's interesting (to me) anyway that we do automatically process a 'kill' as something so unusual that we only register it in terms of fulfilling a game objective. No different I suppose than knocking down targets at a range.
Funnily enough we're actually replaying Borderlands right now. We finished the game together some time back and she had 1000/1000 on it pre-DLC, but we picked up all the DLC recently and my wife doesn't work (health reasons) so she's had a lot of time to spend on it.
I think this is why I didn't enjoy New Vegas as much as I expected. I played so much Fallout 3 that when it came time for New Vegas to come out, I simply didn't have any enthusiasm.
Hell, I dropped the game stone cold at the 30 hour mark. I probably have 2-3 hours left before I "finish" the main story, but it's so buggy that there's roughly a 75% chance of my game freezing whenever I open a door or try to use VATS. I want to finish it but it's unplayable - and none of the patches have resolved my…