So you only have to wait 8 months after release and buy DLC to get the real ending to the courier's story. Yay.
So you only have to wait 8 months after release and buy DLC to get the real ending to the courier's story. Yay.
I don't remember or care.
The only way I will buy into Too Human 2 is if they promise a completely overhauled fighting system. Maybe one where you don't die every 10 seconds then spend 30 seconds watching a valkyrie carry you to the heavens.
Yeah, I would totally have bought the PS3 version if I had a PC capable of running Portal 2. My PC died awhile back so I'm using an old laptop. As I discovered during the Potatoes event, it barely runs Audiosurf. :(
I read the EULA and I didn't see anything about Sony letting someone steal my personal information.
I've actually heard "mooli" used before, so that wasn't a surprise to me. I didn't know it's origins, or even if the word mooli as I heard it used was derived from the Italian. It's just... you know... you hear someone use a word offensively, you translate it from context.
...eggplant? Really?
Yeah! Yeah, take the lemons!
That was my first thought too.
Until he chooses to elaborate why "out of warranty" is a euphamism for anything other than the console being out of warranty, I choose to believe he's being completely literal.
Nah, I typically only stream avi and mpeg. Can't help you with mkv, sorry.
How is it Microsoft's responsibility to replace a dead console outside of warranty?
I'm hoping there's a tilt sensor too, so part of the game is played on the controller itself like back on the Dreamcast.
I haven't had a dedicated gaming rig since 2002. Since then I've preferred consoles. They're not powerhouses, I don't get the best visual experience, the games are as deep, etc, etc. Guess I'm a casual gamer nowadays.
It's always a hassle when I try. It does it, but reluctantly. My PS3 just did it straight off. It detected my network, located my shared files and let me play videos streaming with no dicking around.
I know right. It's just like how I put a Wii-mote through my Sony TV and Sony refused to replace it. I turned off my PS3 for almost an hour in protest.
It's funny how good the PS3 is at streaming media from my Windows PC, considering that's supposed to be kind of a selling point for the 360.
That's funny, since "Anonymous" are denying having anything to do with the PSN outage.
I wasn't any good at Hitman 2 either, but when Blood Money rolled around I had to pick it up. It looks a bit dated compared to today's games, but pick it up cheap. You won't regret it.