
THEY GHOSTS was definitely the highlight of the article for me.

Prank? Ha! With enemies like this, who needs friends?

Thank you for brightening my Saturday at work, I thought I'd go an entire day without reading the poorly constructed counterarguments of someone with the intellect of a rubber mallet. You have cheered me immensely.

I only played a little Forza 3 and it still felt a little arcadey to me, by which I really mean "fun", because GT has always been, and will always be (to me) a sunday drive sim. No matter what kind of hot car I'm driving or whatever speed, the racing is always so... dull.

Yeah, I'm not one for racing games but holy shit this is tempting. Head tracking clinches it for me. Part of why I grew to hate racing games is that more 'serious' sims (I know Forza isn't on par with Gran Turismo in that respect, but it's above titles like PGR) are hard to play from the behind-car view, but the

When I saw "game about fighting robots makes a comeback" I thought maybe Epic Games had responded to my requests for a remake of One Must Fall 2097.

Sounds like a due diligence failure on the part of SK then, which probably has their shareholders up in arms. That's the only reason they're chasing this. They don't believe there was any sabotage, they're trying to smoke out any possible act of negligence on the part of Epic that will result in them being pulled in

"It's not hard to imagine" just about anything. That doesn't mean it happened.

If SK wins this case you have a viable precedent but you're only entitled to a lock of Cliffy B's chest hair.

Here's what you do. Find a frozen pond, and set up some bowling pins in any configuration you like. It doesn't matter.

This appears laughable. I highly doubt that there was anything wrong with the Unreal Engine epic provided (after all, it seems to work just fine for EVERY OTHER GAME DEVELOPER USING IT, WHICH IS ALL OF THEM).

It was like, 3 years ago so I can't be sure, but I think I overwrote my endgame saves with my NewGame+ saves. I fully acknowledge the error is mine. I just wasn't able to import across until I finished ME1 a second time.

While I absolutely agree with you in terms of the poor choice of phrasing, I have to admit that there are some games where the combat seems to tedious and so forced, that it really does feel like the dev is just buying himself time and padding things out. This is how Uncharted felt to me. Beautiful game, fun

My wife recently decided she was going to play through 1 and 2, and after initially fumbling with ME1's system (I think everyone did - they kind of throw a lot at you at once and it's hard to keep up) she grew accustomed to it, and felt aggravated at the way ME2 felt comparitively stripped-down. I personally didn't

I only recently got my copy of ME2 back from a friend, and have downloaded all the DLC packs that were released since I haven't played any of them yet.

There's nothing like several hundred puncture marks in your coffee table to remind you that you had a great D&D session.

Well you could play as a female in SR2, the story plays out the same. They just render a female into the cutscenes.

If your favourite isn't Broseidon, I assume you've never gotten one. It's epic.

I will post detracting comments on your forums, causing your stock to drop half a point, so that your grandchild will not be able to drive a BMW 7-series!

What about the Australian land developer from Monkey Island 4? True, that was just LeChuck in disguise again, but still.