I recall him retweeting "Worst. Idea. Ever." when someone suggested Cheerleader outfits for Anya.
I recall him retweeting "Worst. Idea. Ever." when someone suggested Cheerleader outfits for Anya.
Meh. Seems like Nerf Now missed the point of Bulletstorm. Crybabies.
You're right, I forgot rule 4 of Australian survival: Koalas leave no witnesses.
Wait, #dicktits actually trended? we were working on that for DAYS and I missed it!
Is that a criticism or a compliment? Because complaining about profanity Bulletstorm is basically like paying a hooker for a blowjob then complaining about how her mouth is on your junk.
Hardly any of our native animals rips you in half over a buzzsaw and holds up the vertically halved corpse. In fact, there hasn't been a single reported Koala attack since December.
I think he's referring not only to that, but also bits later on where you have to get from point A to point B within a time limit. The lack of a minimap can leave you very confused and disoriented.
Well, I finished the Bulletstorm campaign on Normal difficulty about 7 hours ago (then slept, commuted, and I'm back at work on this fine Saturday morning).
There is an obscenity setting and a gore setting you can toggle. I didn't bother - the obscenity is part of the refuge-in-audacity amusement value of the game. I can't help but feel that if you aren't someone who can put up with foul, immature dialogue for 8 hours and be willing to laugh at the game and yourself, you…
I don't disagree with you, everything about the stories reeks of author avatar insertion and I had a time getting past that as well. The first three books definitely are pretty bad, but once you get engaged by the story and read the other nine (as a fan of True Blood and since I was picking them up for my wife anyway…
Yep. I'm pretty sure most online stores for Australian customers import from the UK - I can order games from ozgameshop.com for less than what I pay retail - considerably less in a lot of cases - and they're a division of a UK company specifically geared towards the Australian market..
Yes. First offences the game gets confiscated. Repeated offenses can result in a fine and possible imprisonment. It's rare because the games aren't usually caught by customs and recognised as being refused classification, but it can happen.
We're trying. It requires the unanimous vote of all state Attorneys-General to reform the general classification system. We've been fighting this fight since around 2004 and every time a Standing Committee of Attorneys General (SCAG) meeting comes up, the country holds it's breath... or spams the fuck out of Twitter…
As a guy, almsot none of that occured to me. I'm going to have to re-read them just to have my own lols, if I can sneak them away from my wife for awhile.
That gets explained later on. There's like... 12 books and they're doing roughly 1 book per season (though everything is mixed up a bit).
Her writing isn't bad. The first few books are a bit amateurish but they pick up later on. They're mainly pitched as mystery books but they're not really fair mysteries as they usually involve a piece of knowledge or lore that is unique to the Sookie Stackhouse world so we don't discover the bit hints until Sookie has…
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad for it too. At the end of the day if we know what our avatar looks like we're going to have that in the back of our mind as we play - especially if the designer has remembered to think about that while making the game as well.
Nnnnno, it was developed by People Can Fly with help from Epic. PCF made the game, Epic polished it.
Wow, you mean if you take away EVERYTHING THAT DEFINES IT AS UNIQUE then it becomes COMPLETELY GENERIC?
I can appreciate the proposed evolution of the character, though at the same time I'm surprised that even this much thought went into it so it's not really difficult to convince me. How my character looksi n a single-player FPS game is not chief among my concerns.