Thinking of Duke as a bull-dyke makes the game even funnier.
Thinking of Duke as a bull-dyke makes the game even funnier.
It may - or may not - be safe to indicate your desire to 'bum a fag' depending on who you ask.
I remember when I first read about Deep Blue, and to this day I find it amazing that Deep Blue only won because Kasparov incorrectly assumed that Deep Blue was incapable of making a mistake and failed to exploit this apparent advantage.
I think the best example of video-game drunkeness I can think of is GTAIV, in terms of lack of motor control and balance. The only inaccuracy is that whenever I see people THAT drunk, they're usually really whiny, or aobut to be sick. Have Niko lie on the ground for several seconds, vomit into the gutter, then torment…
As long as it's wacky bullshit over the top stupid, I will keep playing it. SR2 was basically perfect.
2 minutes in slo mo. In real time it's about fifteen seconds.
I thought that was like, a screenshot from a game or something. What the hell.
I saw more gore than characterisation in the trailer, what gives you the impression it'll be character focus apart from the slow motion reverse footage of a zombie girl falling out of a window?
Yeah, I'm gonna pass on this. Emotional trailer (didn't really do a lot for me to be honest) but the game itself is just another zombie game. I've had enough.
Besides, Activision specifically have publishing rights to a new Bungie IP. They can't make them work on CoD. It's not in the contract.
Anonymous COD characters? You mean Soap, Ghost and Captain Price? Seriously?
On what basis? Who would you replace them with?
There can't be incongruence between two statements that are completely unrelated. You have to be attempting to compare two concepts in order to distinguish the discord between them, which Kotaku was not attempting to do.
I am chilled. If I were upset I'd be aggressive. At this stage I am providing a factual analysis and a lesson in critical thinking.
I see your point, but it's poorly made.
Toys have their place, I'm sure most kids today can't have fun JUST with video games. I'm surprised toys are still doing as well as they are, to be honest, but I don't think video games will kill them off completely. Also, video game toys. Hell yeah.
Unlikely. They're using Treyarch to finish Modern Warfare 3. Maybe after that they'll cut Treyarch loose, but what will they have left after that? Sledgehammer and Bungie.
I liked Blur. I don't know how they'd market it, but it was great.
I don't think FPS games are too immature, and I'm buying this game because it's cheesy and immature and there's going to be fun. If anything the majority of FPS games are too serious these days - DNF and Bulletstorm will be a breath of fresh air.
Some "prank". He's clearly hijacked the account and sent those messages with the intent on causing legal trouble for the owner of the account. That's... pretty serious actually.