
I'm assuming three - one for power, one for armor/shields, one for stealth. There weren't that many modules available in the multipalyer demo. But I could see the flaws early on - you rank up your power ability by getting kills/doing damage, which in turn unlocks modules that make you more effective at dealing

I'm somewhat surprised Harmonix are keeping rock Band going - in a way it's a good thing because at least there'll be a steady stream of musical rhythm games out there and I guess they're relying more on them than Activsion are. Hey, maybe without Guitar Hero the market won't feel so saturated?

Always bet on Duke.

I get what you're trying to say but if *anything* was a line of coke and you were Charlie Sheen, you'd snort it. So from a purely objective viewpoint, what you're really saying is "this trailer exists".

I'd hope now that they've let the press get their greasy mitts on it they'll release it to the public soon - I imagine we'll get to enjoy the same demo Crecente et al did last night.

I understand your frustration, but for future reference you can use HTML codes to enter line breaks and paragraphs. Maybe you already know that and opted instead to delete your post outright as a sort of protest and if so I respect that.

All I want is a Duke Nukem experience I can lose myself in, have stupid fun with, and feel so ridiculously badass while shit blows up that the game squeezes a a "fuck yeah" or two out of me. It seems to me that this game offers everything I want.

That's an awesome system. Why aren't they doing this already?

He actually got the Top Gun landing once... using the Power Glove.

Not sure if want. Might be interesting but until the mechanics for playing shooter titles on the Kinect are proven I'll remain skeptical - doesn't mean I won't try them, after all Kinect Adventures and Dance Central have both been rewarding. Just saying - let's wait and see.

If my child commits sexual violence as a direct result of blowing up multiple enemies at once with the flail cannon and seeing the words "Gang Bang" appear on screen, there is something more fucked up going on in his head than video games can take credit for.

This is what, the fifth time someone has tried to block PS3 sales due to an alleged patent infringement. Good luck LG, it's totally worked for everyone else!

You misunderstand. I'm excited for Skyrim. IF it looks good, so much the better.

You misunderstand. I'm excited for Skyrim. IF it looks good, so much the better.

Wasn't Oblivion on 2 discs + the extra disc for DLC content if you bought the GOTY edition? I did have the GOTY edition at one point but I traded it so long ago I can't remember.

I couldn't get into Oblivion but I'm excited for Skyrim. If it looks good, so much the better.

My GOD. I loved Dance Central and played the hell out of it, but if you asked me to think of ways to improve it I might have dreamed up about three of these things. If they actually cram all this into DC2 it'll blow my mind.

Ok, but what's the motivation to actually play the game? I mean... if you're old enough to appreciate jerking off, you penis is right there

@ricochetguro: Sailing is like an anchovy pizza. Salty and kind of unpleasant until your third or fourth try.

@TheTonyShow: I don't see the point of making a character gay just to have a gay character. Like, I wouldn't have an issue with my ManShep getting it on with Zaeed if it made sense for Zaeed to be gay and there was sufficient story motivation for me to pursue that relationship.