@elfteiroh: Even selling really BIG guns isn't a problem until someone does something irresponsible with them.
@elfteiroh: Even selling really BIG guns isn't a problem until someone does something irresponsible with them.
Phew, for a second there I thought there'd been a court ruling preventing him from using a computer or touch tone telephone until the day of his 18th birthday.
@ShakeMorris: HACK THE PLANET.
@Janky: I had a friend a few years back who was torn between two guys - they both wanted her, she couldn't decide who she liked more.
@Blast it, Biggs: I don't know about that, I lost a lot of excellent angsty teen poetry when Geocities disappeared.
That's an amzing story. Personally, I was always so paranoid that I couldn't keep my lies straight that once I started engaging myself in communities where I would be recognised, I just stopped lying. Sure when I was 11 and browsing the internet in 1993 on my uncle's dialup and had disposable usernames on a Yahoo…
@Rezzman: Kotaku editors get paid to blog about anything they like. You come here expecting gaming related articles, I just come here. Most of the time I get gaming articles, other times I get... this.
I loved Heavy Rain, but I can't help but feel like making it into a movie just defeats the entire purpose. Heavy Rain only worked as a story because it was interactive and forced you to nudge the characters along.
@The Yam!: I assumed "Easy" was just one end of a slider.
@truthtellah: Hmm... I can see your point, but I maintain they would still be able to obtain that information if they took the matter to the XBox Live enforcement team - who actually have the information.
@truthtellah: I'm sorry, but I disagree. If I were banned, and branded a cheater, I would still want it to me my choice as to whether or not the details of my infraction are disclosed to the general public without my express (or at least implied) consent.
@spiderweb1986: People query their bans on the Xbox.com forums all the times, and there's always a reason given. I'm more likely to trust a system that's worked reliably and has yet to be proven wrong, than someone claiming he's legit.
@truthtellah: That's their policy though - if they freely discussed the matter outside of official channels without express consent from the user, they'd be in violation of their privacy rules.
There's no denying the kid's autistic, but do we have any proof he didn't cheat?
@WatershipDown: Seriously? I could swear I read there was one. Well that sucks.
@floppy mcwiggle: This only happened to me once. Pretty annoying, but not as bad as COD can be sometimes.
@Inuplaya: I believe the 360 and PS3 demo dropped at the same time.
I like the way you can activate armor and cloak at will, and it shares your energy bar with sprint and powered jumps. It really makes the gameplay a frantic rock-scissors-paper application of abilities and skill.
@ag0610: I'm glad your comment was well thought out and constructed to convey your specific, detailed thoughts on the matter.
@Shikinami: So?