It was pretty cool but it was barely even a demo. I could have watched the above video and seen everything I needed to.
It was pretty cool but it was barely even a demo. I could have watched the above video and seen everything I needed to.
@The Wolf Kin: I'm just rather attached to the old one is all. I'm sure the new one is fine.
@Scimarad: Eh, I started losing interest in Anime around the same time I got a girlfriend (coincidence?).
@Kevin Flynn: Are you serious or being ironic? I can't tell. I've never seen a version of Demolition Man with Pizza Hut dubbed/edited over Taco Bell, but I've always found it amusing that Taco Bell won the franchise war but no longer exists in Australia.
@Charonchan: Thanks!
@StBlackjack: Thanks!
@Saint Steel: Thanks!
@V: I was kind of using the term OAV in the "straight to video" sense rather than the condensed/mini-series sense. Which I guess isn't technically correct either. . .
@Alizarin: I actually used "enhance your calm" the other day, and spent all day wondering where the hell I'd gotten it from.
@Twisk: It amuses me because Taco Bell failed so hard in Australia it doesn't exist here anymore.
@maggeimerc: Are you sure it warms the cockles? Maybe it's below the cockles. Perhaps something in the sub-cockle area.
Demolition Man is to this day one of my favourite Sci-Fi films, up there with Starship Troopers.
@WonkersWatilla: I get the impression that it's supposed to be the "true" Evangelion, and the original ending was some sort of massive fakeout because it was cut down due to budget issues and the producer's depression or something.
@szwrld: I know how you feel. I never even got around to buying it on DVD (I do have the Death:Rebirth and EoE movies on DVD though) and frankly I don't even know what I would buy now. I want the original series on DVD (assuming it's been remastered but NOT altered), but I also want to watch this reboot/remake series…
@The Wolf Kin: New ending? Pass.
@CarrerCrytharis: I think Grave of the fireflies would have had more of an impact on me if I hadn't guessed what was in the can right at the start and was able to be properly horrified by the ending instead of just dreading it.
@CarrerCrytharis: I guess part of what made Evangelion so engaging back when it first came out was the darkness, and the fact that things really never got better. Shows where the heroes overcome their struggle and prevail are a dime a dozen.
I really need to get caught up on Evangelion - it's one of the few shows I can still tolerate.
@Liquid-X: For the longest time I mourned the death of Space Quest, but I think some things are better left as they are.
@Revenge_of_Nekojin: SQ1 was remade as an SVGA that used the mouse, but SQ2 and 3 were never redone. SQ4 was the first one that used the mouse as opposed to the keyboard, and was fully voice acted. SQ5 was not voice acted, but SQ6 was - which prompted a popular urban myth that there was a voice track for SQ5 out…