
@dsectric: Yes, it was. Any follow up questions?

@Peanut The Kidnapper: Exactly, it was over the top crazy, stupid awesome. People mock the game for being too unrealistic or over the top - but will happily play other games that are even more ridiculous, just because they're not set in the present day? Halo gets away with it. God of War gets away with it. Super Mario

@Scrotor: You know, I went back to MW2's multiplayer earlier this week and is was just awful, not at all like it was when I quit playing six months ago after playing the Halo Reach beta. I can see why people complain about it now.

@EgoCheck616: Oh no, one piece of bad science about a nuclear warhead going off 320km away ruins my spectacle of a war game about fictional events loosely based on the real world! Whatever shall I do?

@Numanoid: I'm sure you're trying to be clever because knocking popular things is an easy way to get a rise out of people and you get you bask in your non-conformity, but honestly, if the people who bash Call of Duty actually played COD4 and MW2, I reckon the basher population would be cut in half.

@gurfinki: Because Treyarch, traditionally, make terrible COD games. COD3 was (apparently) very bad, and while I felt WAW had a passable story mode, Black Ops was a tremendous step backwards with good ideas behind it that were executed poorly.

@rebelphoenix1983: As far as I'm concerned, they did take a year off. Sure, Black Ops came out, but it's clear to me that no effort went into it.

@Eternal: BREAKING NEWS: Company attempts to sell a product for profit.

Look, I don't care how gutted IW is, I don't care about this lawsuit with Activision, I don't care how much Black Ops sucked, and I don't care what people think about Call of Duty in general.

Look, I don't care how gutted IW is, I don't care about this lawsuit with Activision, I don't care how much Black Ops sucked, and I don't care what people think about Call of Duty in general.

@KingKellogg the Waffle Haggler: Microsoft just bans the hell out of anything that looks slightly suspect, so even the most subtle mods get busted... eventually.

@Gigus: Well yes, I mostly never power on my PS3 because I do 95% of my gaming on the 360, 4% on my PC (split between CiV and flash games on Kongregate), and 1% on my PS3 (rough estimates).

@Gigus: There are certain areas you can enjoy for free, but you can pay for premium features - like the Loco Roco island. Go and hang out there all you want, but, if you pay $8 (Australian dollars) for your personal Loco Roco island (basically an alternate home) you can walk around the beach and pick up berries that

@excel_excel: I don't think I've seen an in-store display of a handheld gaming unit since the GBA. Oh, maybe the PSP. But it's been awhile. They don't seem to be all that common here. Stupid Australia.

Kind of a shame we can't actually see the 3D effects without having the unit in our hands - that's what's going to drive sales of the 3DS, if anything.

@gigawings: The reason I was tempted was because owning the Loco Roco island enables you to collect berries which serve as currency on the "free" part of the Loco Roco island - I'd then be able to bet on the races to earn more berries, and buy Loco Roco themed items for my avatar.

@gigawings: I was tempted to pay for the Loco Roco island, but I don't tend to use the PS3 much, so I'd feel like it was wasted.

@Manly McBeeferton: There's a surprising amount of content in home, even if you do have to pay for access to a fair amount of it beyond the purely 'standing around and using preset macros' aspect of it.

@Kingbarbarossa: Maybe the PC community is just less cheap than the 360 community.

@Koda89: I think Blur's only weakness was that Split/Second came out at the same time. Both games were good, but both suffered because the (relatively small) market for arcade/combat racers was divided between them.