
@Kingbarbarossa: I tried going back to MW2 a few days ago and every game, ever map, was endless 'nade spam. I quit playing back after the Halo Reach beta so I'd been gone for a few months... but I don't think I was killed with bullets once. Every death was by grenade launcher, AT4 or Javelin.

@RRW: It's a popular title, there's a lot of readers who did like it, and if they left it off there'd be people asking why Black Ops wasn't given a chance - here they can explain why it won't be getting their vote.

This doesn't seem to be a hot contender, and for that I'm grateful. It doesn't stand up to previous titles (not even previous Treyarch titles, if you ask me) and it doesn't stand up to other games that came out this year.

@gigawings: I can really get behind this.

@Painronamic: I can't remember which episode it was but if you check out RoosterTeeth on youtube and soft through their Fails of the Weak series, you should find it (there's about 14 or 15 of them).

@cheesetruncheon: Apparently you've never been to the forums at or seen any of the thousand or so Halo-dedicated forums scattered around the internet for various clans, map-building groups, race track creators, machinima groups, etc.

@HobbitGamer: Man, I hate that gamer zone. It was pointless to have it anyway because setting mine to Recreation didn't stop me matching up with people who had theirs as "Pro", and giving 'MLG ProSnipe 420Xx' another way to boast by setting his gamerzone to 'Pro' instead of 'Dickhead' because he needs everyone to

I can't wait for Major Nelson's next update, wherein he advises us he has retied his shoelaces, with double knots this time.

@Howunfortunate: Yeah, I was confused for a second there, because I could swear I already played this - but this is different.

@Flukie Lukie: That's because it's an excel spreadsheet + 1 dinosaur, which is still a fair to moderate amount of awesome.

@kyleshark: Because it was a heap of shit. Without dinosaurs, Turok was just an excel spreadsheet. True story.

@sorac: I think their point was that you can kill someone with the sniper rifle through breakable glass, wheras a shot from a DMR (for instance) would break the glass but not damage the person standing on the other side.

@dracosummoner: I believe you're referring to the Javelin glitch - switch to Javelin, do some combination of things... I think pull the trigger while switching weapons or something, then become a suicide bomber as you run around the map and the Javelin missile explodes upon your death, killing enemies in the

@mruler360: They probably felt if they used any of the others we'd say they swung too early.

@grimjack28: Which becomes myth when that ten year old kid posts it on a forum, five people believe it and repeat it somewhere... you'd be surprised how fast "news" travels in the Halo community.

@Mackem: You can make custom power ups for games that will have whatever effect you apply to them - you can apparently pick them up like an armor ability and the powerup sphere will turn you into a firefly or something.

@dracosummoner: That seems to depend in a few factors, mostly random ones, plus lag.

Some of these are pretty obvious to anyone who's played the game, but I was personally surprised to discover the gravity hammer doesn't stop you talking fall damage - even though there was no fall damage in Halo 3, I was sure the 'bounce' created by the hammer would offset, well... gravity... to some extent.

Oh dear. We're going to see a lot of terrible 3D puns, aren't we?

Utterly fantastic. Shit, I just want to get a Jet Set themed mural done through my entire apartment.