Hey, why not? People took about five minutes to crack it and start experimenting, and I'm sure Microsoft don't care what they're being used for as long as they're moving off of shelves. Make the whole process a bit easier and see just what happens.
Hey, why not? People took about five minutes to crack it and start experimenting, and I'm sure Microsoft don't care what they're being used for as long as they're moving off of shelves. Make the whole process a bit easier and see just what happens.
@orijimi: They're basically the same word. The spelling is a regional thing.
@Jubilant: Pfft, the mall is for cheap scrubs who haven't bought their own Loco Roco island yet.
I get what he's saying - he wants everyone to be excited about the 360 and pre-Kinect the 360 wasn't the go-to machine for girls like it was for boys - he hopes that will change now.
@Jubilant: Is the mall a form of digital entertainment conveniently situated within your domicile so that you can access it at any time of the day or night?
@dakingjose: When I was 15 it was still two years before the PS2 came out. :/
@shinkukage09: I enjoy stereotyping people with no social redeeming value.
@Zinger314: The first one to get a job and move out of his parents' basement.
@ATimson: There's the thing. I gave up on the show, would never have started watching it again if my wife hadn't stuck with it and been like "holy crap, you have to watch now!"
@Clutchman83: I guess I have to agree with you there... SGU was definitely more flawed than SG1 and Atlantis, but I'm going to say that was because it was a more challenging idea they were working with.
@phoghat: Holy crap, someone else on this planet who liked Voyager? High five!
@Clutchman83: In all fairness, all Stargate series have kind of sucked at first and become great later on. SGU feels like like a 'Stargate' show than SG1 or Atlantis did, but it found it's footing after the first season and could have really been great - I didn't like Atlantis at first but from season 3 onwards I feel…
If SGU had been canned after one season, I probably wouldn't care. It didn't stand up to the fun SG-1 or the mature Atlantis. It was dark and gritty and kind of boring.
@mutedia: True, but we've got Silicon Knights who I think more people remember for Too Human than Eternal Darkness, making an X-Men game. Frankly, I'm yet to play a truly good X-Men game - they're generally quite dull brawlers with weak stories.
I have to be honest, given the pedigree here I don't have high hopes for the game.
I disagree with all multiplayer achievements, even for popular games like the Halo series. Do I feel accomplished when I earn them? Of course! I have all the Reach achievements and I'm only missing a handful from Halo 3 (I never did earn an Overkill in a ranked free for all palylist or a Perfection on a Mythic map).
So much of Wikipedia is slush that I think as long as the page itself meets the Wikipedia guidelines - in terms of structure and references - the content should not matter. Someone, somewhere, will either at some point need to find all of the internet's collective knowledge on the subject, or be able to contribute…
@StanleyKoteks: Fair enough.
@StanleyKoteks: It seems to me that if people were going to employ common sense, they'd do so by not taking a swing at video games every time some cuckoo crunchy nut banana cake shoots up a school.