
@superhuffy: I wonder if owning a 360 in Japan is like enjoying indie bands everywhere else in the band. The more obscure the reference, the more smug you get to be.

@Terry Vongsouthi: Maybe he misread and thought she had two 360's instead of two Wiis?

Did we really need three Mario entries? #6 was pretty lame (sorry, but it was). #8 was alright, but it made !13 kind of redundant.

@robbaz: What I found clever about Singularity was how once you get the upgrade in the last level, you can just go crazy with it. Overpowered, no more conserving energy and scrounging for more. You roll through the level just disintegrating everything that gets in your way. The game felt rewarding - I felt

@The_Ddevil: Singularity was actually pretty good. One of the most underrated games of 2010 if you ask me.

@Gex: I'd be surprised if I succeeded at trolling considering I was making no attempt to do so. If you feel trolled I would re-evaluate why what I have to say resonates so deeply with you.

@Gex: So sad that the PS3 has so little to offer that I actually want.

@Gex: Yes, an XBox related one. Not a Playstation one. I have those, they're of very little use to me. I use my 360 daily.

@Gex: I have a PS3 and a PSP. If I don't currently use either, how will buying another piece of hardware help?

I like the idea. Will I use it? Nnnnnnyyyymaybe. But it's a neat idea. I guess.

@scrapking: It's really irritating how distribution rights to digital content is still as cumbersome as ever, for the sake of a few dollars more.

I think people were disappointed gesture controlled Netflix wasn't integrated at launch - I know they were pissed about waiting for Hulu to arrive at all.

@Honoguma: That would probably be the idea solution... it just seems like Microsoft could take advantage of the mobile gaming market more... maybe they plan to reply on WP7 to crack that market.

@Dark lord me: Yes, actually, I do! But I'd like to see a dedicated gaming device as well.

@Kermi: Oh, how about voice commands for Kinect in Australia too? That would be nice.

My hope is for a hand-held gaming device we can sync with our 360 to play arcade games on the movie.

@Ink Jameson: Funny Kinect peripherals? Is that a new way of saying "ugly people"?