
@kratos_hates_everyone: We clearly have different viewpoints about the tech. I don't think it's worth the investment and you do.

@kratos_hates_everyone: It's not that I'm against 3D, I just don't feel like it's worthwhile to invest in this kind of gimmick. The concept is kind of dated and in my experience the novelty wears off quite quickly. Why pay thousands extra for a TV with 3D capabilities - frankly I'd rather just use that kind of money

@WildMooseNick: I hear you can buy PS2s pretty cheap, and they're compatible with your old PS2 memory cards too.

@WillyLo: Well, who knows. Kaz Hirai is present so I'm sure we'll see something from the gaming division - maybe the PSP2 will be a 3D console? Or was it always? Given how little I've used my PSP I haven't followed PSP2 news.

@Sunwind: And 3D movies, yes.

@EgoCheck616: Is the PS3 no longer a blu-ray player? Is Sony no longer leading the charge in the 3DTV market? Please advise. Crano-rectal extraction cannot commence until my ego has been sufficiently deflated.

@GoldenWaffle: Hell no, I'm at work (posting while I wait for our ancient laptop to boot up so I can review some CCTV footage).

@Epifante: You buy both consoles, both versions of the games, and then you buy a link cable from Nintendo.

As someone without Move controllers or a 3DTV I'm not expecting to see anything that wows me... expectations are low Sony, strike while the iron is hot!

...aaaaand still more realistic than DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball 2.

I once tried a fight night game and while I found the mechanics good, I couldn't find it interesting enough to play. Now even a rudimentary story... that's got me interested.

@mrantimatter: Chess can be explained in five minutes, it's the lifetime of mastery that trips most people up. You don't learn chess by reading a manual, you watch the game, understand the mechanics and learn to outthink your opponent. Yes, you can study strategies used in the past but this is just a less direct way

@ExistentialEgg: Yes, but my entire strategy for my hypothetical website would rely on being Kotaku'd, in line with the "Go hard or go home" school of business.

@mrantimatter: I never read old game manuals. Most people didn't. The game was understood and appreciated through learning, not studying.

@ExistentialEgg: If I ever had a gaming website, I'd definitely make sure my server could handle the traffic AND that my advertising is in order before posting anything... I would probably write every article in the hope of being Kotaku'd at some point.

@dracosummoner: Reach most assuredly had movement/shooting/armor ability tutorials, but I think they're a bit broken. Even though I have finished the campaign on solo legendary, whenever I play splitscreen with my wife (which is almost always) regardless of difficulty setting/skulls enabled, I get prompted to press X

The definition of elegance in simplicity. I think this is where games begin to encrouch on the guarded secret world of art.

@narutogameking: Then you made a mistake in asking for my opinion.

@Beardbeardly: I'd love to see some more songs from the 90's - I noticed the songs with the most fun moves were in the last two setlists, and they were mostly all from the 90's.