
@gnark1ll420: I buy games for the story mode, multiplayer is an afterthought for me if I bother with it at all. I was pleasantly surprised when I decided to try out MW2's multiplayer.

@Beardbeardly: Most of the songs aren't a challenge on hard but I learned from Guitar Hero not to take the early easy songs as a reliable indicator of the game as a whole. I can do most songs on medium and some on hard, but not all.

@Killer Toilet: Fair enough. You're clearly much more informed on the subject than I am. I guess I was out of the game before I had a chance to really build my knowledge base - my injury happened when I was 17 and I'd only been playing three years. I was just a wee kid.

@cadeSILVER: Yeah, it's just down to where you draw the line. How many exclusives is enough? There's a lot I'm simply not interested - even God of War, which was probably one of the PS3's biggest titles of 2010... not really my thing.

@Beardbeardly: I've only done the Snoop song on easy, because I finally made a push to actually finish the darn game yesterday. Didn't find it challenging at all.

@Killer Toilet: I haven't bowled competitively in about ten years now - sadly I fell on the lane at the Juniour State Championships in 1999 and the metal plate in my wrist brace did some ligament damage to my right hand. Still won the day but I haven't been able to bowl right ever since - even holding a ball hurts

@KingMongoloid: I personally ditched my Wii, traded it and 9 games towards a Kinect w/Dance Central and some other stuff.

I feel like a terrible person because although I appreciate his work in retrospect in a "ohh yeah, he was in that" kind of way, I never once took note of him before he died.

@AwesomenessDude: My motivation entirely. I don't really even care if it's Infinity Ward (what's left of them) or Sledgehammer that makes it at this point, as long as the story ends on something other than that damn cliffhanger.

@dreaming neon black: Look, I'd rather do that in front of my Kinect with thousands of people watching than try to pass that terrible, terrible song on any difficulty higher than easy.

@Whooped.D.Dew: I hated the Reach mutliplayer at first, it didn't even feel like the same multiplayer I played in the Beta because they'd adjusted it so much. I did get the hang of it and while I wasn't sure if I was invested enough to buy the Noble map pack, I'm glad I did if only for Invasion on Breakpoint, which

@gnark1ll420: Way to assume. See my actual response to the question, and be informed I never abused one man army for infinite ammo, I only used the 'noob tube' for the purpose of masterying the guns I was using for experience points, I sure as hell didn't quickscope. I actually had friends who tried to teach me to

@narutogameking: The story was a disjointed, barely sensical mess which was handwaved by the 'brainwashing' plot point - whicho ther people tell me was supposed to be a plot twist, except I guessed that twist from the opening cutscene and main menu screen. Being constantly interrogated and electrocuted was a clear

Holy shit, buzzword overload in this article, what with the quotes from Wedbush and Activision.

I'm unable to view the video at work, but I'd like to mention that my cat griefed me badly while I was playing Dance Central yesterday.

@estebanejc32: I don't know where this started, but someone posted this on the Escapist forums claiming it was a new webcomic they were working on... clearly it's now been sent to photoshop hell for being a complete failure.

Changed jobs, actually enjoy what I'm doing now. That's about it.

@Kenshi_Ryden: I didn't play it.I heard it was great and while I've been looking for a great Western game ever since Gun turned out to be a bit of a flop, the idea of a Western-style GTA didn't appeal to me that much.

@dsi1: I think that's why I never got into BC2. I tried the multiplayer demo/beta on Xbox Live and compared to MW2 at the time the gunplay seemed unsatisfying. I did like the progression system a lot better in BC2 and gameplay videos I've seen of youtube look excellent, but I couldn't enjoy the gameplay.