
@Tom_Strong: Sometimes I boot it up just to hear the title screen music. Then suddenly it's 6 hours later.

They're already playing an analogue version of this game on 4chan. It's called "Print out pictures of girls you know on Facebook".

@HobbitGamer: "....and here... here we have the lingering sense of disappointment and this doesn't really come across in the video but there's a definite aroma of despair..."

@Neb: It had better not disappoint us.

Oh my God. I had never seen that particular Portal 2 trailer before and... holy shit.

@BreadKnight: The way things have been going, it could just as easily wind up being an ornate box, no game, and a picture of George Broussard shrugging helplessly with his hip pockets turned inside out.

I think the Duke tops the list for me. After the last trailer was released I waited a year, two years... then gave up hope. Again.

@leoblaze30: Well, once I have conflicting opinions my determination to decide for myself only grows stronger. I'd probably have decided to watch it even if everyone said it was utter crap.

@54r93: Yes, it seems some sites are blacklisted and others aren't. I can visit most gaming sites though I tend to only risk Kotaku because the NSFW content is clearly marked and there are few embedded video/audio files which are a big no-no here.

@leoblaze30: Howard the Duck is generally considered the worst movie of Lucas' career, I heartily recommend that you avoid it at all costs. :)

@leoblaze30: Tell me, have you ever seen Howard the Duck?

@Eggyhead85: Honestly, given the amount of fun and the workout experience Dance Central has given me, I'd be happy with the Kinect as long as they keep Dance Central coming. The facial recognition and hand-wave operated menus are a bonus.

I've been meaning to check out THX 1138 for years, just so I can be a nerd snob and actually have seen the movie that has become kind of an in joke to Star wars nerds instead of just referencing it mindlessly like people who quote - but have never seen - Fear and Lothing in Las Vegas.

@Shadead: I wouledn't mind playing the Move-enhanced version of Heavy Rain, but I don't know how much it would actually add. Other than that I don't really know what the Move has to offer by way of titles apart from Darts which... well, Penny Arcade has pretty accurately summed up my feelings on that...

@HowIsYourFlat: Except the Eyetoy is just a camera. The Kinect is like... two cameras, and a motion capture system with thousands of points of infrared light measuring shape and depth.

@Kermi: Please disregard this post - it is a duplicate as it did not appear and I reposted it in error when I found I was unable to edit the original to correct some typos.

Games give us room to experience narrative in ways never done before, and the medium is constantly evolving from year to year. It has advanced to such a point, and our expectations are so high, that we're no longer really surprised by anything anymore. Meanwhile we're arguing for games to be considered by critics and

Games give us room to experience narrative in ways never done before, and the madium is constantly evolving from year to year. It has advanced to such a point, and our expectations are so high, that we're no longer really surprised by anything anymore. Meanwhile we're arguing for games to be considered by critics and