
@HotChops: I agree with much of what you said but I'm compelled to remark here that while Duke Nukem is almost the exact opposite of what the industry needs at a time that it's trying to be taken seriously: the old games as art chestnut, and particularly given the current push for an R18+ rating for games in

@Killer Toilet: It'll be a textbook explaining the grandfather paradox and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.

@orijimi: There's some misguided marketing if ever I saw it.

I don't know - or care- how many of these are fake/staged. They're all awesome and amusing as hell to watch.

@Makoto: Now you've got me interested.

@TimeNeverRests (PS1): You have successfully transported me back to the 90's. Well done, damn you.

@Apekooi: I'm not dismissing it out of hand for being too big, I think they've been consistently great games. I just don't have the dedication to commit myself to take full advantage of their full potential. With each generation of Pokemon games I've gotten a little older and the games have gotten a little bigger. I

@TimeNeverRests (PS1): It sounds interesting but also baffling, considering capturing Pokemon and forcing them to battle each other seems just as reprehensible as forcing them to do any other thing Pokemon seem to be used for - forced labour of all kinds and such.

@Ladi: Aww. thanks guys. And thanks for the nomination. :)

@Aegno: Worse... or better?

On one hand, I can't bring myself to buy yet another Pokemon game that follows the game basic formula as the rest of the Pokemon games have, and on the other hand I can't bring myself to buy another Pokemon game that has, over the course of incremental upgrades to that formula, become so baffingly complex that I can

@JPS: My computer could probably handle TF2 (if it were running right now) but I just don't really like playing on PC anymore.

@enlargedhousecat: You want your son to grow up thinking girls in real life behave like girls in dating sims?

I can't wait to see the forced grin and conflicting emotions in the eyes of a virtual girl who's been unfaithful when she sees her boyfriend again.

@-MasterDex-: I stopped playing to because I got the Orange Box on Xbox live and it was laggy as hell. :/

@Paradox me :D: I primarily play on my 360, the PS3 is a neglected secondary. My PC is a tertiary system that has only gotten love this year due to CiV - else I only use it for the internet.

Joust like his father, eh?

@-MasterDex-: I concede that what you're saying is probably true - after all, earlier in the year an angry father assaulted his child for knocking over his Xbox while he was playing.

@Ladi: I guess I can agree with you there, that it's not fair that a story like this has the potential to villainise gamers because of the actions of the very, very few.