
@gigawings: Exactly my point. They create games that encourage and reward compulsive, obsessive behaviour. And then something like this happens. The connection may or may not be there, maybe she would have lashed out regardless. But given the incident in the UK a couple of months back, I believe there might be some

@Ladi: I think there's a valid link here. Kotaku follows trends in gaming-related news, and unfortunately this year there have been a number of children's deaths linked - however tenuously - to casual gaming.

Is anyone else distressed that it's these skinner-box casual games that are connected with parents flipping out and doing something awful to their children for being a distraction, rather than the violent "murder simulators" that pople like Jack Thompson have been campaigning against?

@JetSet67: Oh wow, comparing MW2 to a Michael Bay movie. How clever and original, did you think that one up all by yourself?

@JetSet67: No funnier than your assertion that I only said the plot twist was bad because, by figuring it out before it was revealed, you assumed I must have been spoiled beforehand.

@Outkastprince: Plus, it's got such a flat bottom. No thanks, Sir Mix-A-Lot would disown me.

@keyboard-vomit: I'm pretty sure the bottom will provide nil resistance whatsoever. I visualise a person stepping into this as shooting directly to the bottom of their pool/grotto.

@Shaows: Must... play...

@TaylorEatWorld: My wife's grandfather was prone to mix up his curses when chasing kids off his lawn, and on one occasion burst out of the front door, shaking his fist, and yelled "STOP JERKING ME OFF!"

@fallouthirteen: To this day, "Your mom is a classy lady and you're lucky to have her." remains one of my stalwart retoerts on Xbox Live. When I'm in a really rough mood, I'm prone to drop the "nobody likes you, and you smell funny"-bomb, but people really have to be butt plundering taint pustule motherfuckers

@Ghinn: A less than ideal solution, but one I may have resorted to myself if I didn't lose the bloody thing in a house move when I was seven.

@javjoker: Ah, those were the days *wipes a tear*

@Ghinn: I had a set of Voltrons once, but none of the pilots so my GI Joes had to stand in. Then one day I could no longer open the green one, I actually nearly lost a fingernail trying to pry it open.

What I like about the bootleg Gundam is that it looks exactly like the kind of cheap knockoff toy a devoted mother - with best intentions in her dear heart - would pick up for her child at the $2 shop because the real thing would just stretch the budget too far and things have been a bit tight this year what with the

@shufflemoomin: See, there's absolutely nothing wrong with saying you dislike a game, ever. There's a difference between just saying you dislike something, and trying to show that it's provably bad without evidence.

@hagren: Ah, fair enough.

@hagren: Wasn't that the point?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with hating on anything, no matter how universally adored. You are as free to hate it as other people are to love it.

@JetSet67: I picked up Black Ops at launch and played it through over two nights. The "plot twist" regarding the brainwashing was suspected well before meeting JFK which is when it became obvious, and the idea that Reznov was all in Mason's head was pretty obvious after that.