
@Andrew Wyatt: @sabrage: I had a feeling Shadow Complex was an XBLA title but then I thought I was getting it mixed up with Bionic Commando: Re-Armed (it's best we don't try to explore why I made this mental connection - I often get lost in thought because it's practically uncharted territory) and couldn't be

I've already asked Cliffy B on twitter whether there'll be any special unlocks for fans of Jazz Jackrabbit, Jill of the Jungle or One Must Fall 2097. No response yet, but I'm sure he'll notice me eventually!

@Hongo: It seems to be a realistic theory when you trace it's history like that - certainly better thought out than my "they pushed it out the door then added shit in later" theory.

@DoctorDynamite: Does that make Prototype an objectively bad game though, especially since so many 360-only households never got to play the PS3 exclusive?

So are they just going to roll out a Gran Turismo 5 update once a week until? This is what fans get in exchange for the game finally being released? Constant updates?

@BABYbuddha: It's a little unfair to say COD is the Madden on FPS... oh, ok, it's totally not unfair to say that at all.

@Rian Shortwave: I kept Black Ops as a backup title to play with friends for when I get sick of Halo. I've been more committed to Halo than ever since the Noble map pack dropped last month (the new Invasion map alone is frankly fantastic, the other maps are passable), so I regret not getting my money back when I

@Verum: And you think Black Ops is better? MW2 had a coherent story, well-executed plot twists, and while it did very little that was new, it was a solid shooter which went over the top action-movie awesome.

@DoctorDynamite: Jesus, since when? Everyone was raving about Prototype at first, now suddenly there's a sequel and everyone is just "meh, first one was shit". Where were all you people last year?

@DaImp: My wife wasn't sure that the Arkham City trailer was CGI first time she watched it, but I think that's partially because she was distracted by Batman being there at all. Not knowing what trailer she was watching when I showed her, the first ten seconds had her thinking there was a new Splinter Cell game

@Dimipapa: Oh god, Final Fantasy: Spirits Within flashback. *weeps*

@A_Sad_Peon: I can't for the life of me figure out what's boring about Halo that isn't boring about every other FPS game in online multiplayer. People tend to use the same tactics that work for them - if you play the same game the same way every time, why do you expect different results?

@MajorGroove: I could have afforded it, but I'm a compulsive spender. Once I have around 100K I buy whatever I can afford. Now I'm out of items under 100K (except for the Gungnir helmet which is ugly as sin) and the next thing on my wishlist is 175... I was about 30K off last night I think.

@Killer Toilet: The counters on Black Ops are across all three platforms, regardless of what platform you're actually playing on.

@zelfmoordkonijn: I have a Perfection and my wife has a Skullamanjaro. The race is on in our house to get the first Extermination!

@mindf1ow: This was easily my favourite.

@Rehbock: Even better was the Leisure Suit Larry titles, which had an age verification system based on knowing stuff only adults would be expected to know. Leisure Suit Larry is how I learned Ronald Regan was once an actor!

@Thyrfing: Apparently you've had your sense of humour removed, and are unable to appreciate light hearted exploration of video game tropes without them being super-serious or having some provable cultural value.

@DracoCross: They expanded into more areas of Machinima while Halo 3 was out (and seriously, you're missing out if you haven't watched Red vs Blue since their Halo 2 days - the last three seasons are EPIC).