
@TestZero: Well, if it's Geoff and Gus, I'm guessing they'll topple over as soon as the armor is put on.

I have only used my PS3 for Blu-ray movies since I finished Heavy Rain... and that means I have watched Casino Royale once, because I only own 4 blu-ray movies and haven't watched any of them.

I hope there's leaderboards, categorised by which beer you were drinking.

@Jordyce: You make it sound like Gawker is pushing some pro-Marijuana agenda... and I think this is the first Marijuana related article I've seen this year. Get over it.

@Onionhead: You've already been corrected on the Jet Grind/Set Radio issue, so I'll jsts add in - the game you're probably thinking of for the Xbox was Jet Set Radio Future - a sequel. Bigger, better and more awesome if you ask me, but I'd still love to play the original again.

@badasscat: I picked up the Xbox port of Shenmue 2 pre-owned when I got my original Xbox in 2004. For the record, I thought it was boring and shit.


@yanipheonu: I saw the highest fucking definition lasanga of my life last night. Couldn't tell you how it tasted, I only watched the demo from outside the restaurant window, but oh man... it looked great.

@Gamescook: I'm assuming they're just goofing, but I only have a vague idea of who Adrienne Curry is, and I have never watched this show.

@SuicidalEarthworm: Hopefully the crashed and burned PSPGo will convince Sony a discless console is a retarded idea.

I prefer physical media. I like having stuff on a shelf.

I ragequit Metro 2033 on a bad checkpoint where I was trying to be stealthy but then got caught by guards who can apparently see through walls in the dark. My checkpoint is actually approximately half a second before a grenade explodes right underneath me.

@Blobdude: Oops, for some reason I thought AC1 was set around 1091, not 1191. I have now checked Wikipeda, and will bow my head in shame.

@Blobdude: 11th and 15th/16th century, not 10th and 14th.

@Edward Yee: Question: I rushed through the ending because my wife and a friend had finished it and were bugging me to hurry up with it, so I never finished The Truth in my playthrough (though I watched my wife do it). I'm guessing I can't do that now since that sequence ends with Desmond talking to Lucy about it

@Shteve: God, I love Mass Effect but this is so fucking true. After my 5th recruitment mission and third loyalty mission, I remarked offhand to a friend "Wow, this must be a really long game, I'm still recruiting people and haven't gotten to the actual story yet". He explained: "Um... that is the story... you're

@DARTH_TIGRIS: I love me some Mass Effect and I'm dying to get my hands on ME2, but GOTY competition is gonna be rough with Arkham City in the mix.

@Kainazzo: Dude, if that was true it would rule so hard. I never picked up Rouchneck Chronicles on DVD. :(

"The Company believes the lawsuit is completely without merit and will vigorously defend itself in the matter."

Jesus guys, I know you were copping a lot of flak for taking so long with GT5, but maybe this is one time when you really should have waited until it was finished?