
@svegley: San Andreas kind of bored me after Vice City which was a wacky, fast-paced adventure.

@ARYXANDRE: This game stopped being almost vaporware once they announced it was no longer a PS3 exclusive. I think back then (i.e.: 2-3 years ago) people weren't really excited about PS3 exclusives. Then again, that was before Little Big Planet, Heavy Rain, Killzone 2, etc.

@Demoskinos: Hentai (as in the proper noun and cultural phenomenon) is animated pornography drawn in the Japanese style, though given the tendency for popular cultural references to be lampooned in the hentai style, the term Hentai applies by extension to any drawn or animated erotica based on characters appearing in

@DanielJr82: She's certainly more complex than Miss "boo hoo, daddy made me perfect and being perfect is hard" Miranda.

@heirofthedyingday: When did they say no new AC3 in 2011? I think we all assumed AC3 was coming in 2011, which is why Brotherhood coming out this year was such a surprise.

@Kellen Dunkelberger: I can't help but feel that no one who played AC2 and/or Brotherhood would ever dream of telling Ubisoft to stop now.

@Sparkie: Yes, because continuing to produce new titles in a successful series with an exciting and engaging story that people love is nothing but shameless profiteering by stupid and lazy corporate gluttons who mash the "make new game" button next to their huge wallets every time their food container is empty.

@CatalanoPUNCH: Hah, the only thing missing from AC:B is the ability to mark and execute up to 4 Borgia guards with a repeating crossbow while hanging from a window ledge.

@TheCodexx: I disagree. I think they saw an opportunity to squeeze in another Ezio-centric game and went for it. The amazing thing is for a game that kind of popped out of left field it has an amazingly fleshed-out story and very complete-feeling world. Even the new ending is pretty great - none of it felt tacked on

I give #4 a. F. Horrible. Why does this firetruck look like it needs to shave? I'd rather burn to death than be saved by this hairy piece of shit.

@N-Robes: I have no objection to you double-checking, I understand that some people aren't very good at understanding things and it's important to be sure.

@N-Robes: No, but thank you for your interest.

So Grunt and Garrus get to be armor-clad surrounded by flames and shit... the girls get to wear not a lot and be ornamental.

My imported (uncensored) copy of Silent Hill Homecoming: $$680 Australian. $80 for the game, $600 for the PS3.

@Goldwings: I think Power Overwhelming was the god mode cheat in Warcraft as well - in Warcraft 1 it made you invincible to everything except catapults.

@jaybomb: Any FPS game pretty much makes paintball redundant doesn't it?

@Michael Dukakis: Sounds like yer wench didn't keep her hatches battened down, me laddie.

@UnstableArk: I think Behrditz was legitimately just giving you his/her feelings about the game, doesn't look like you caused offense.

@StoicPersonEater: Sure. Scheduled for the spring dashboard update. Of 2076.