
@jasontkennedy: Why do you say casual gamers don't care about games? How do you define a casual gamer anyway? Is someone who plays Wii Sports or Bejewelled a casual gamer? What if they play it five hours a day and developed amazing strategies and reflexes - are they still 'casual' gamers just because they're not

@Smash Bro: What games do you have for your Kinect?

@JoelGMX: Ever play Modern Warfare 2 on Xbox Live? Some people so badly abused 10th prestige lobbies their multiplayer scores would wrap around and go into negatives.

This was not intended to be a post. I was going to type something, but changed my mind, then my cat walked on my keyboard.

@Celestial Panda: But where do you draw the line? Sure, the 0 second times are fake, but what about when you get to the 30 second times? Those could be fake too. Then the 31 second times. Then you get to, for instance 45 second times that could be legit, or 45 second times that aren't.

@Archaotic: If by content you mean unfinished and unpolished features that were ultimately not necessary.

@Archaotic: Well I finally beat AC2 *checks achievements* three and a half months ago after starting it a year ago then taking a huge break from it because I got distracted by a bunch of other titles this year. I was quite ready for more Ezio.

@Archaotic: Yes, pass over a newer, improved game that expands on the story of the predecessor and is a completely worthy sequel in every way... just because it came out too soon.

@Mokon: AC2 was a damn good game considering they only got halfway to Brotherhood from AC1. If the next title is as polished as Brotherhood I have no complaints. I'm in it for the story more than anything by now anyway, I can't imagine what they plan to do to make AC3 better but I look forward to finding out.

@relic1980: My manager's main activity during the loading process would be to bring then ext pallet up on the forklift... so I can't really begrudge him that, someone had to do it. Me and one other guy could strip a pallet and stack the boxes within a few minutes, so it's not like the manager was twiddling his thumbs

@AshleyAshes: This. This is what I always assumed it was going to be... what we got was just terrible.

@Manly McBeeferton: I tried the gameroom, none of the games were worth paying for. They're not retro classic arcade games, they're retro-shit arcade games. There's a line, and everything currently available is well below it.

@Tyrunn: So what part of your exciting description isn't aimed at fans of the game? How many non-gamers are going to find that second description more exciting, especially given the track record of video game movies sucking balls anyway?

@relic1980: I spent a year working in a warehouse after high school. Loading cargo containers with boxes of shampoo all day will burn fat and build muscle like nobody's business.

@Tyrunn: Seems to me if they wanted to do that they could do it without slapping the Uncharted name on it.

@Pandaren117: No, you see our genetic ancestors mate only from behind, so the rear end of a sexual partner became the desirable/attractive part because that's the direction the male was approaching from. When we started adopting other positions, the women with the large, butt-shaped chests thrived genetically.

@flanker22: I personally only played GT3 because it was bundled with my PS2. Since then I have not found any reason to revisit the Gran Turismo franchise. It's pretty, I'm sure it's wonderful to play... if you're into that kind of driving sim. I got tired of it very quickly.

@truthtellah: Oh my God, I hate children and never want to have any. This explains everything! Bring on the flatties!

@ThreeOneFive: Biologically speaking, all women do. Much like the apes (with whom we share a common ancestor) that only mate from behind, we are conditioned to find the derriére sexually appealing.

@John-Hamptonshire: Uncharted was an incredibly cinematic game. The entire time I spent playing it, I was always thinking "this would be a freaking awesome movie". I was totally considering seeing it.