
@Tyrunn: Realistically if they're going to make a movie from a game property, they probably want to go with an actor the gaming community are gonna like. Seems like the current feedback from the gaming community is largely negative about Wahlberg, but there was a lot of support for Fillion from the moment casting was

@spam_musubi: Because they don't plan to introduce subscription fees to their existing multiplayer titles? Huh, canned response much?

I just don't see how this can work. Fillion should've gotten it. Or even Nolan North! Or Nathan Fillion overdubbed by Nolan North!

@sabrage: At least in the case of the MW2 DLC and probably Black Ops DLC (i.e.: new maps) you're not required to buy them - you can keep playing with the on-disc maps and not really miss anything.

@Pirandello: I assumed they were being ironic, kind of like those joke "tips" that Bungie put up during the final days of Halo 2.

I've been saying this all along. Anyone who thinks they'd have to pay a subscription to enjoy on-disc multipalyer like they currently have for MW2 or Black Ops is making unfounded assumptions based on Kotick's "people will pay, so charge for it" business strategy.

GTAIV one of the first 3 games? Seriously? It's already pretty dated and clunky. Saint's Row 2 would be the better choice if you want something GTAesque because although it's far more cartoony, it's still much more fun to play. You can still have Dead Rising alongside it for your tougher/zombie-oriented sandbox, and

@Killer Toilet: You're gonna be so embarassed if it turns out to be a 3rd person beat 'em up.

@DocSeuss: The only parts of Black Ops I really liked were the window breaches - one you do from a zipline, one you do while rappelling. That. Was. It.

@MWPftw: I tend to not pay more than $10-$12 for a bottle of white. Of course I never buy Riesling, which is a wine which should stay in boxes where it belongs. I also think I'm the only Australian on the planet that doesn't like Chardonnay. Ick.

@tetracycloide: I guess I should stick to people up to my speed, since you are clearly backpeddling.

@Golgari: Don't mistake a connection with the players or good writing or even a good game as "a well told story". They are different things.

@Golgari: I don't see how the mysteries of Portal make it an example of good storytelling. I really don't. I'm not arguing it wasn't wonderfully written, GLaDOS' personality and dialogue and the interpretation of her actions is all very well done. But it is not an example of a well-told story, because the game is 90%

@Shamanoid: Good question - I imagine a lot of the previous expension content is kind of redundant now... could someone just get WoW + Cataclysm and go from there?

@tetracycloide: You make me laugh. What exactly else constitutes a "halo junkie" in your opinion, if it isn't someone who plays Halo? Someone who only reads the books, or the short films? Someone who watches Red vs Blue?

@Golgari: That's certainly a list of impressive games, but what makes them examples of good storytelling? Seriously, Portal? Hilariously, dark, well written, wonderful physics puzzles, but the story was you escaping for a lab. The first 18 levels are tutorials. It was little more than a tech demo for Portal 2. Don't

@Goosifer: Sigh. Space Marines have been around since about 1930. Even the Mobile Infantry on Starship Troopers were old hat by then. you can't say "Halo has space marines, therefore it is generic", because at this point you might as well say any game involving humans is generic, or that any meal involving meat is

@tetracycloide: This is officially the stupidest thing I've read here. Playing Halo excludes you from being a gamer. Wow. What elitist horse shit.

@Master Chef: My load times are with the disc installed. I might try it out tonight and see if the patch helps.

@PristineSneakers: Maybe it just seems like MS is copping all the flak because they've been securing more timed-exclusive DLC, or securing more exclusives from new IPs - obviously the PS3 has a stronger library of exclusive sequels, but it feels like a lot of the popular new IPs have started on the 360: Mass Effect