
@PristineSneakers: I think his point was is that no one really started whining about times exclusives until Microsoft started doing it. Then suddenly it's all "fuck you Microsoft". I don't remember people bitching to this extent last generation when almost everything came out on PS2 first.

@RadiantViper: On 360? Late in the game the framerate drops ridiculously, the game constantly hangs, and loading screens take about a fortnight. Please tell me they've done something about all that.

@cheesetruncheon: Eh, it's a possibility. I always thought Xbox Live being peer to peer meant there'd always be the possibility of gaming as long as you could find other people to play with - but I believe Chromehounds and Shadowrun are dead so there goes that theory. Then again, I think Chromehounds and Shadowrun had

@Spade103: That's how I felt about Halo 2.

@cheesetruncheon: Because the loss of a forum and web-based leaderboards you never posted on for a game you haven't played yet is going to affect your gameplay experience in any way if you ever do pick the game up?

"Possibly the most close-knit video game forum community is going to be tossed with a bunch of Reach junkies."

@resonance462: You're making a claim of fact that the story was not cohesive, which it is. I made the comparison to Black Ops, because Black Ops was an example of a non-cohesive story.

@resonance462: You're still incorrect. Each part of the story logically progresses from one scenario to the next. All the events are completely linked. I don't know where you're getting this lack of cohesiveness from because it's not there.

@RainbowTeeth: I just discovered I could customise my emblem last night (forgive me, it was may third time playing the game because I'm more Halo-oriented right now). I now have a machete-wielding skele-zombie as my emblem (t-shirt, angled skull, two Spetsnaz fists for arms and machete, naturally.

@nacatak: I didn't have a problem with heartbeat sensors - although they're a dumb idea, they become a weakness if you rely on them in multiplayer because so many people roll with Ninja. I've nailed so many guys who thought they were safe because they were corner camping with the HB sensor and not establishing good

@resonance462: I've said it before, and I'll say it again. If you think the MW2 narrative wasn't cohesive, you clearly were not paying attention. It's a very simple story, and all components of it fit together well. I cannot comprehend people that don't 'get' it.

"On the other hand, this is the laziest cashed-in, churned-out sequel (without the name Guitar Hero on it) of the year. "

@Keni: Yeah, I think some games should be Kinect only, but the vast majority of games should have Kinect as an option - you can't release major titles but exclude the majority of the market who didn't drop the $150 for a peripheral - it doesn't make good business sense.


@KimChen: Ever notice how girls who already have girlfriends seem to get all the girls? There's probably no basis for it in fact, but if I had to guess it's because it's when they're not looking for anything that it comes to them. One of those quirks of life, psychology, confidence, whatever.

@AlphaJarmel: It's completely retarded to turn HL2E3 into just HL3. Make a HL3 by all means, but you need to finish HL2 first.

@netforceexplorer: You've got it backwards. The Xbox wouldn't have been as successful without Halo. Halo wouldn't have been successful without Bungie. Watch as the Halo franchise crumbles under 343 and Halo fans line up for the next big Bungie title.

@Archaotic: Yes, I'm sure Activision signed a 10 year agreement with Bungie for a new IP they don't want anyone to buy. It will definitely flop.

I'm more surprised that MW2 is in second place, to be honest. I knew Black Ops would be on top because it's the next big thing, but I'm suprised Halo is all the way down at #3.

I can certainly see the $99 entry point + no subscription working a lot better than their original plan, this might actually be a competitor now - as long as the cloud proves reliable.