
@Valefore: Because the mainstream media never makes mistakes, or jumps the gun on reporting something. Never ever.

@Scottendo: In all fairness, I overlooked the "massager" on my first few starts of DR2 as well. My friend on the other had found it on his first try. I came back from the kitchen with a bowl of chips and he was cackling madly as he beat zombies to death with a giant purple dong.

I'm offended by Skip Bayless. Quick, get him off the air!

@dowingba: Because games were better when they were all platformers.

@Deunan: It's pretty weird they have Kinect compatibility for the railshooter levels but not Move. All down to has deeper pockets I guess - now Microsoft can claim the 360 version is the "definitive" one, for whatever that's worth when the game is crap anyway.

I haven't played a Harry Potter game since Chamber of Secrets and that feels like it was SO long ago. I might have considiered this one for giggles if it had Kinect support for the main game.

@CommodoreRake: If they ever make a Jet Set Radio/Jet Set Radio Future compilation for the 360, I may well die from the happiness contact high I experience by holding the packaging in my hands.

@Xcite79: Enjoy your curse. I know you will.

@dowingba: Perhaps they could have moved it to another track, another set of stables and it would've raced there?

@Xcite79: You know when guys want to praise a girl's hotness and say they'd bang a chick until their dick fell off?

@TheDoctor: The article says she DID do that, and the stables closed because of an outbreak of equine flu - except the one she voted for that didn't get the flu, but couldn't race anyway due to swollen ankles.

@jnork: Maybe in the next Fallout game every single character won't look like someone rolled a turd in dirt..

@MolassesFatts: Boob-size slider is dead, long live the direct click 'n' drag size intensifier!

Just the thing I need to stop Creepers from stealing my beer at night.

@Alsandair: Mine should be in the garage I guess. I actually left them behind at my mother's when I moved out of home but now, oddly enough, I'm renting from my mother and she's moved elsewhere.

@Alsandair: The fact that I knew who you were talking about without clicking that link made me die a little inside.