
@moarx: Honestly you could probably skip 1 but I heartily recommend 2. AC1 isn't a bad game, but it's better for the story than the gameplay. By all means play it... I just don't consider it as essential as long as you maybe read up a little bit on what actually happened.

@hollohill: I started replaying AC1 after I finished AC2. AC2 looked better.

AC2 was an excellent game, and I'm stoked for Brotherhood (not out here until tomorrow). Glad to know it's even better than AC2 was, because AC2 was a substantial improvement over the original.

I can't help but feel the precision aim button offers an unfair advantage in online multiplayer, and part of why I like console based multiplayer is because of the hardware equivalencies. It's bad enough that people have abused rapid fire controllers in the past, but this is basically being endorsed as the way to

I had a feeling this might have been the case once Blur flopped - which is unfortunate because it's a really fun game to play. I think a lot of gamers looking for the next big combat racing experience were torn between Blur and Split/Second and even though I think Split/Second was the weaker game from a racing

I didn't even know the PS3 version had extra missions. Good to know I'm not really missing anything - I could get the PS3 version but... you know... I don't wanna.

@RockyRan: Well no, cats don't tend to actually eat living things, but if a person holds still long enough, a hungry cat will certainly try.

@RockyRan: I recall licking and chewing in that scene.

@AlfaCharger: And cats started trying to eat her not-dead self, which for some reason made her associate with cats psychologically and become a spandex wearing gymnast with a bullwhip.

@Goldwings: I know right? Totally unecessary and optional added features have ruined tons of stuff, like... uh... let me get back to you.

I can see how voice recognition and some hand gestures might work, just don't ask me to dive behind my couch for cover.

@DrakeDatsun: Usually it's genitalia that's censored. Breasts, less so. I can't imagine anyone would play h-games unless there were at least breasts visible.

So they're ok with violence, and sex, and even violent sex (until Fox News finds out) but unrelated boobs alongside gunplay is totally unacceptable?

@Phaz: No no, you just dreamt you were in Australia, where you're surrounded by people with Australian accents, and everything is trying to kill you.

@MrGOH: I don't know, bukkake actresses have masturbation arrive ten, sometimes twenty times an hour and I imagine they get used to it after awhile.

I have this issue where I'll have a great dream, wake up to a noise or to go pee at an inopportune moment, then damn it, assuming I can get back into the dream I'll only get to replay the part I've already seen. I wake up in the morning and it's still a cliffhanger.

@fuchikoma: Hell yes. Everytime Facebook or XBox Live or whatever updates their terms of service you're supposed to read them to make sure you still agree with them. No one ever does, because hey, what're you gonna do? Delete your Facebook and lose contact with your 827 friends you never talk to? Brick your Xbox or

I don't normally like Nerf Now and Dueling Analogs, but this week's samples were pretty great... of course DA was a guest strip so I guess it doesn't count.

@Edo411: Oh, was that after the nova 6 test, British troops were storming the ship to take control of it? I remember the confusion about "who do we fight?" and Reznov's "everybody!". I assumed he just meant not to distinguish between Russians and Germans, since a bunch of the Russians were probably allied with

@HobbitGamer: Serously? Black Ops was waaaay more disjointed than COD4 or MW2 were, the only difference is instead of asking you to follow one coherent story (because there isn't one) they just handwave it because the mission sequence is just how Alex remembers things while being interrogated.