@Edo411: I don't remember shooting British troops, and the only Russian level I recall is Reznov's flashback - where you shoot Germans.
@Edo411: I don't remember shooting British troops, and the only Russian level I recall is Reznov's flashback - where you shoot Germans.
@ConfederateRokr: Yeah, it's implied in the last level.
@asdf4321: I guarantee if Bin Laden is confirmed dead before MW3 goes out, they'll include it.
@BARDLER: Yeah, pretty much the day before it came out I decided I didn't want to pay extra for prestige for a toy like that. Not because the toy isn't cool but because by extension I am making an investment into the idea of Black Ops, and would feel obliged to play it more because I paid more to have it - while the…
@Kadin: I'm pretty sure they already have games for that.
@EnigmaNemesis: Plus it's not like the Kinect cost anything in research and development right? $150 for $56 worth of tech? That's just shameless profiteering.
@PathRifter: I have it on good authority that a brand new Lamborghini costs less than $12 USD.
Greedy pricks, should totally be selling them at cost. R&D budget, what's that?
That's a great idea for an app - I know facebook wall spam pisses me off, but it's a great way to link in your 360's facebook connectivity, and given the target market for connect, why not tie it in with Facebook. I want to see more of this - I loved how I could tweet/facebook about my stats from almost any menu in…
@dowingba: Is that a PS3 feature or a third party application? I know there's xbox 360 facebook apps that post to your wall every time you play something, whether you're unlocking achievements or not.
I thought that was a brass razoo.
@SevenNationArmy found out they're giving xmas music on her tv: The real trick is finding celebrities who openly admit to playing games online. If they'd done the ad a few weeks later they might've been able to get Robin Williams in there. I wonder why Ice-T wasn't avaiable though.
@Squirrelbot3000: This is my new favourite thing.
I thought the ad was fantastic, and everyone I've asked thinks so too... except for one guy who thought it was insensiitive to show civilians in combat when there's a real war going on right now, but it was unanimously determined he was kind of an idiot.
@Michael Dukakis: I used to love Advil, until I developed an allergy to ibuprofen. :(
@fuchikoma: Well the biggest issue lately has been the credit resets for people who dropped their connection to live in order to reset challenges, sometimes upwards of 40 times per day. Technically it's network manipulation, and exploiting said manipulation to gain an advantage in a game. Both of these are against…
@gordeaux: If only the shattered remnants of Infinity Ward had been able to pass on their patch notes to Treyarch.
Tell it like it is, dude. Hackers, glitchers, exploiters in online multiplayer are either into it because they can't play honestly, or they want to feel like they beat the expert by breaking their game. either way, it's some basement dwelling, pocket mining twerp who wants to feel like a bigshot.
@Sgt_UberGrunt: Are you serious? In the first half a dozen games I played people were camping so much I barely even saw anyone walking anywhere - friend OR foe. If you think Black Ops doesn't have epic camping you are sorely mistaken.
@Killer Toilet: Soemone needs to make MW3. It'll probably be the last CoD I buy, because I want to know how it ends, damn it.