
@BananaStandCEO: This sounds different to COD4 if you ask me... by different I mean worse. COD4 and MW2 had quite crisp, sharp sound effects and musical triggers for things like levelling up.

@kyleshark: I will say one thing in it's favour... this didn't feel like a Call of Duty game. This felt more like some bizarro world shooter like Singularity or something. I might have actually liked this game better if I wasn't expecting it to be more like WaW or MW2.

@Dangerwillrobinson: Except the campaign sucks too. Half a dozen well done action sequences/set pieces. The rest was a tedious rehash of gunplay that was done better in COD4 and MW2.

@Archaotic: Honestly, I don't mind annual installments of CoD as long as they're good... and Black Ops wasn't. It tried to blend a ridiculous brainwashing/conspiracy story with historical events as an excuse for the almost completely disjointed levels. The reviewer's claims that Black Ops "cleaned it up for the

@amazingmao: Aaaand now I'm going to have awful mutating CGI stuck in my head for the rest of the day.

I'm really disappointed in recent porn parodies. They just come out and say it: Tron - a XXX parody. According to the porno catalogue that gets delivered faithfully every month to the guy who used to live in my apartment, they've done with for a bunch of movies and TV series, including Seinfeld and The Big Lebowski.

For a Wii game that's not looking bad. I'll stick with my 360 version though... or would, if I liked the game. If I can't get into the multiplayer by the weekend I'll probably return it. But that's flamebait for another time and place.

I'm glad it can't be shut off by voice.

@UnchartedKill3r: At the time of my posting the game had been legally available in Australia for a little over 26 hours. I tried the multiplayer and decided I would not be playing it in the long term. When the story mode of the game turned out to be uninteresting, unmemorable and kind of broken, I decided I'd rather

@Deilgyre: Let's see, I didn't quick scope in MW2, I only used the grenade launcher for the purpose of completing the challenges for each gun and never afterwards, and never used one man army. I believe (I can't recall because it's been about 5 months since I last played MW2) I was 6th prestige, and have never been

I personally hated it. I loved COD4, WAW and MW2, but Black Ops just didn't do it for me. I tried really hard to enjoy it, but I couldn't. I made it probably most of the way through the story, tried the multiplayer, and came to the conclusion I don't enjoy it.

@PossibleCabbage: I'm buying the Kinect to have the Kinect. Dance Central is the only game I want on it but I'm trying very hard not to think of Dance Central being a $280 game (Australian dollars).

GT6? Really? I've never heard of any over competition that makes you wait 5 years to claim your prize.

@DashMoney: I tend to believe he's acting this way ironically.

@Morgan King: But implying you have to bark commands at your TV expresses derision and helps make everyone using voice commands sound like lunatics, whereas understanding that you can speak normally to your TV makes him sound unreasonable.

@Salen: I quite like CAD too and yes it's less about games and more about a socially inept dweeb who now, by matter of deus ex circumstance, operates his own video game store. Considering that's one of the less stupidly improbable incidences in the comic's history (Ethan crowning himself King of Gamers and leading the

@9a3eedi: It's just poking fun at the kind of things NPCs ask you for help for in this game, as well as the kind of improbable scenarios you'll sometimes come across - like houses littered with traps for no reason.

@Gideon: The Sarcastic PC Gamer!: @attesaets: They didn't 'take' Kinect. Based on the content of the article, looks more like Apple fumbled and Microsoft recovered it.