@siggy13: Sorry, this is a Microsoft wristband. Your old wrists aren't going to work with it. We will however perform the required corrective surgery for only $1,500.
@siggy13: Sorry, this is a Microsoft wristband. Your old wrists aren't going to work with it. We will however perform the required corrective surgery for only $1,500.
@dowingba: Basically it shows the option and if you have enough speech you pass. If you don't have enough it'll show [ SPEECH 35/75 ] or whatever, and you'll have an alternate (obviously less convincing) dialogue option.
@Scazza: You can't get into The Fort directly. You have to go to Cottonwood Cove and take a boat. Caesar's men tell you where to go at a set point after you've reached the strip.
@her0_0f_time: The fact that they have a Sister but not Tucker
@SubduedInsanity: The fact that I can answer your question makes me
@koreshonfire: So fucking true. How quickly people forget when they want to start whining about bias.
It looks like a hell of a lot of fun, and dancing is the most fun exercise you can do.
@Killer Toilet: This must be done.
@Rian Shortwave: Wanna make out?
@Rian Shortwave: Yo I uh... heard you like to keep going so we er... kept going in your going to keep you going while you going to keep keeping go has anyone even decided so far as to want look more like?
@Rian Shortwave: Yo, I heard you liked fucking confused so we put a vagina in your confusion so you can fuck confused while you're fucking confused.
@LoganR: They never held the books in high regard. They allowed the authors access to the story bible so the books would have some basis in the canon they created instead of the authors having to guess at everything. They may have even enjoyed reading the books (though I don't know how anyone can enjoy them, they…
@Rian Shortwave: I heard you like trolling so we put a troll in your trolling so you can troll while getting trolled.
@out-phaze: I haven't had any problem using the d-pad hotkey function in Fallout 3 or New Vegas. The d-pad isn't optimal, but the 8 directions are prefectly functional for me.
@viciousarcanum: You're unwilling to accept that people prefer the default controller for another console over the default controller for your preferred console. Console fanboyism.
@jaz350z: Then they'd have people whining about seeing it every time they come here.
I'm assuming being Australian I'm not actually eligible to win this?
@HIGHCLASSKILLA: What's your power? The amazing ability of actually getting Jun to hold his fucking sniper rifle properly?
@jaz350z: I've only seen it twice, which means I've missed it at least once. There are probably people who check Kotaku less frequently than I do... so maybe they're trying to reach the largest potential audience for their promotion? Nah, couldn't be it.