
"Probably" a meteor strike or "possibly" signs of extraterrestrial life...?

Not to make light of the situation, as I've been through the redundancy process myself, but...

All joking aside, you call them idiots but, if they are some form of terrorists, then they may not be that stupid....

1. Buy Android Phone

True. I guess it's like when you say to someone, "Do not press this":

lol, the thing I learnt most from this story is, if it's there, people will try and click it.

As you can see, it doesn't work on google links....

You can go to this link, to see the workings behind it all:

Is this the equivalent of Batman, "Jumping the shark"?

I'd never even heard of sleep paralysis until now. I've just been putting Google to work and a lot of it seems to be in line with what sometimes happens to me. Thanks for opening up my eyes to this (pun not intended).

I have regular lucid dream but the ones that have involved me flying, haven't occurred for years. Not for the want of trying....

I think it's real. If Icarus did it all those years ago without the tech, why can't it be done now.....

At least someone's happy with this story......

Still prefer the One X.....

Can't speak for anyone else, but space definitely interests me more than one part of the ocean.

True...Endings don't matter

Apple are rotten.....

I have to agree with you. My 2 year old knows all his colours, numbers to 20, letters (upper and lowercase), many shapes and many animals.
