I'm sorry, but this is the type of verbiage that passes for English in a "blockbuster report"?
I'm sorry, but this is the type of verbiage that passes for English in a "blockbuster report"?
You have to understand, the only vaginas with which these particular old, white gentlemen have ever had any experience were dry and unwilling.
I'm pretty sure only females (a biological designation) can get pregnant.
Wait, you mean the coupon they gave me for a guided tour through wine country with my 36th week abortion is not valid? shit!
This all despite the fact that fetuses cannot feel pain at 20 weeks. They also cannot survive a live birth at 20 weeks. It's proven that "fetal pain" is more or less not a thing.
Great idea to have all the women rape victims come forward so tbey can be called liars and sluts and scantily clad whores who asked for it and be further subject to psychological abuse by their own families and older white gentleman who have done a lot of research into the subject and declared that women have a…
Not that an apology would be enough, but just wanted to point out that there wasn't an apology.
Not even a "I'm sorry you had to see that" type of non-apology to the Deants.
I'm enraged. Everyone knows that the most important part of being awful in private is to be visibly upstanding in public so that no one looks too hard into your activities!
the rest of that comment (reported in the Gawker article) was "next time I'll tell them to take down the targets when they're finished". Not "don't use pictures of black men" but "clean up after yourself". Smdh.
"could have used better judgment."
I mean at this point shooting pictures of young black men rather than shooting actual young black men sounds like some growth on the part of the American Police.
I agree. Used to like donttrackme but Blur tries too hard to sell me features I don't want and messes with the input I want to enter on pages... Makes it difficult to use and won't turn off even when you "hide panels".
I agree. Since Do Not Track Me changed to Blur it has been painful. Ghostery is what I use now as a replacement. I think Do Not Track Me caught a little more, but Ghostery is pretty close and a lot less intrusive than Blur. Ghostery can block things but have a "play" button in the element to allow you to show that…
I really don't recommend "Do Not Track Me" now "Blur." It's a complete mess since the change over and by the looks of the comments a lot of people agree.
To be perfectly honest, I don't give two fuck's about the state of your balls if you're using it as an excuse to encroach on my personal space. You know what's also not comfortable? Squinching yourself up into the tiniest human ball ever so some dude's balls can air out.
Hip width apart. Your hips are wide enough to accommodate your junk, then your legs can be that far apart.
Some of the most interesting stuff about Kevin Mitnick I've read was about how adept he was at social engineering, and how he could talk his way through all sorts of scenarios. Interesting that we seem to be coming full circle, with social engineering again on the forefront of losing all my sensitive data. Man that…
I was STRONGLY tempted to lead with it, let me tell you. :D
This might be the best article image ever.