
Like everything else, launching boats takes practice. I think the biggest thing that causes these accidents is nerves causing people to forget the basics. I have a pretty solid checklist that I run through each time and it keeps me out of trouble. I also refuse to rush, no matter how busy the launch is. Rushing leads

Fortunately for me, the Montreal GP is by far the closest race and it’s an easy choice over Miami or Vegas. It’s cheap, too. Well, “cheap.” My tickets for a 3 day pass at the hairpin grandstand were $610. Which in the scheme of an F1 weekend is cheap. And Montreal is an absolute blast for the F1 weekend.

God I want this event to crash and burn. And all signs are pointing to that happening. These dumb boutique races in the states are the absolute worst. Miami had some novelty the first year, but it was terrible and only got worse. Putting the Vegas race together apparently is going to cost $400 million (how?). For that

$65k in your pocket or a giant, gas guzzling, depreciating asset with limited utility. Gee, what a tough choice.

Saw an LS swapped Miata the other day doing some twisty track action. That thing looked an absolute handful. I can’t even imagine almost tripling the power. 

I can’t imagine any scenario for this crash that doesn’t involve piles of cocaine. It’s either due to the insufflation of said pile of cocaine before flying off at 2:00 am, or transporting said pile of cocaine which overburdened that poor little Cessna. 

bUt It’S tHe SAmE nUmbEr??

Lol. Perfect.

It’s getting tough now though. It seems gone are the days of one pro and one amateur. Leclerc/Sainz, Hamilton/Russell, and Norris/Piastri are all pretty excellent. Fortunately, they’ll take points off one another all the time, and maybe with Perez at the helm next year they could count on his minimal contribution and

Thanks for saving me from typing all this out - this is the important information that people need to know to be able to recognize the impact that different interest rates have. Breaking it down into the monthly payment is the same approach car dealers use to get you into a car you can’t really afford. Oh, it’s just

Not to victim blame, but I’d love to know what percent of the deaths increased because of people having absolutely no idea how to exist on the road with semis and/or good old distracted driving. I see people blindly pull in front of semis all the time, assuming a 30 ton semi can stop in the same amount of time as a

Perez is a dead-man walking. Despite Horner’s assurances to the contrary I just don’t see Checo with the team next year. I think he’s just trying to inflate him enough to see if Perez can keep second in the championship - which is looking increasingly unlikely with Mercedes’ (Hamilton’s...) newfound pace. Given the

I remember being so irrationally excited when I finally got my b16 swapped 91 Civic to reliably pop. God that thing was loud. I’m sure it’s at least 20% responsible for my tinnitus.

My only hangup is the lack of paperwork for the car. In NY it’d take a lot of bureaucratic hoop-jumping to get this thing legal, and dealing with the DMV is an ungodly hassle. I think the price would have to be knocked in half or at this price, all the mouse shit would have to be already cleaned out for me to want to

I like it. Shame it will probably be tickling $50k whenever it gets released. 

I keep hearing how good Indy is, maybe I should finally give it a try. It seems oddly daunting to switch series, lol, no matter how absurd that sounds.

It’s kind of sad. Been watching since the late 90s, and I would look forward to a race weekend for however long it took. I’d eagerly tune into winter testing and all the sessions I could. At some point in the post-Vettel era/beginning of the Hamilton dominance era my excitement waned. It kept going down as Hamilton

I’m confused. Do you think it’s the responsibility of those in the left lanes to yield to those in the right lanes? Even on an on ramp that ends, it is not the obligation of the person in the left lane to yield to the person in the lane that’s ending? This person blindly threw their vehicle into a different lane -

Oh, I am absolutely not saying that ABS shouldn’t be on every car and that the world isn’t a better place with ABS or that the average person has even an inkling of a chance of understanding how to perform better than an ABS system. Modern ABS is a true marvel, my only point was that the purpose of ABS is not to

It’s really hard to say about the impact Paw Patrol might have. There are definitely themes of a utopian authoritarian state and the inherent goodness of police. But are kids really catching it? Who knows. Like Bluey, I’m sure the majority of the themes and jokes goes over their heads. But it does introduce the idea