
rainbow party*

I always thought that the underground railroad would make an incredibly powerful videogame. It would be basically like The Last of Us, only instead of zombies, it's everyone else, normal people, you would never know who to trust. Even a child could pose a grave threat to you and your family. And it would be based on

Nashville event?

I'm glad I held off on getting BL2, that would make a great pick up and play, bite-sized experience.

It's about time a game combines headset chatter with gameplay! I'm shocked MGS never did this, what with all their codecs and fourth wall breaking.

I just want to say that reading this thread, I am very impressed with how far the community has come. A few years ago, this issue probably wouldn't have even come up on Kotaku, and the comments were pretty defensive. Now, everyone seems to understand that sexism and harassment are serious issues and not something that

He is a terrible character (not as bad as superman) but as he's written, he would have an easy time defeating predator.

I hate both the word murse and man-purse. Stop gendering my purse.

I knew a kid in High school who exclusively and intensely watched Farscape.

To think that Greedo shot first, you have to be a brave geek. First of all, you have to have baseline geekiness to even know the significance of the Han/Greedo scene, and then to understand, but still take George Lucas's side, you have to be a devout follower of Lucas. I don't think that's fake, that's just wrong.

I don't think being a one game gamer makes you a fake. You wouldn't call someone who only watches Star Terk a fake, it might actually make them geekier to have such narrow focus. Also, do people who only play Madden consider themselves geeks?

Can you give an example of a fake geek or gamer? I can't think of ever having met one. Maybe a beginner geek (they have to start somewhere, and some have to start late), but never met a fake one of any gender.

We don't need any beauty pageants at all, regardless of size.

Skateboarding Garfield? What is this, the 90's? If they want Garfield to look hip, he should be playing an iphone game. Meta.

Space man with black and white chest is Space police generation 1. they had white Helmets with red visors.

They're missing a bunch. A lot of missing iterations of space from the 90's Blacktron I and II, M-Tron, multiple versions of space police. Ice Planet 2002

You forgot Ice planet, my favorite specialized visor. It was like Hoth but 90's.

space police! Love those single cell portable jails.

Where are blacktron, Blacktron 2, M-tron, ice planet 2002? There's a bunch of minifigs missing.