
"Still don't believe me? Put your controller on the floor ..... What? You have not a Dualshock3 but just a plain Sixaxis? NOOOOOOO!"

Yeah, it's really hard to listen to.

Nothing realistic about a car sliding down a crevice in a mountain like soccerballs down a water slide. Is there no friction in this world? The damage looks impressive, but realistically, it would probably get jammed up and stick almost immediately.

Chris Evans?

That's probably why they were expecting some cash, none of the 208 other attendees ate even a bite of the venue.

It can be pretty hot to explicitly ask permission if things are going well.

Guys will continue to sexually harass/assault women as long as you perpetuate the social norm that it's okay. Now you're not saying it's okay, but you are saying it's to be expected, which is kind of the same thing. I think where sexual harassment is now is where drunk driving used to be decades ago. It was illegal

That's like saying "Hey, pedos will be pedos, kids should just scream if a pedo gets inappropriate with them." The perpetrator is to blame, not the victim.

Sorry I came off so cranky, what really bothers me is unnecessarily gendering something that doesn't need to be. I think the implication when most men defensively call a purse a man-purse is that purses are feminine and ew gross why would any man want to be feminine, females are bad. No, a purse is a purse, don't

I hate when people call my purse a man-purse. Women don't carry woman-wallets and I don't carry a man-purse.

Out of my mind with excitement!

I hated having to level up 3 different pistols that were all the same with different attachments.

I've been with my so for 10 years, and the longer we're not married, the funnier and more awesome it gets.

Yeah, for making such a big deal of the announcement, you never see Keifer actually say a Snake line. Like the iconic "Kept you waiting huh?" This does strike me as possibly being epic misdirection.

I think you're thinking of Patrick Swayze.

I so wish more games would be 3ps. I like being able to see the character I'm playing as. In multiplayer shooters, FPS makes sense because it's more about precision and in the absence of story, your avatar doesn't really matter, but in story based shooters, I want to be able to see the actions of my protagonist. And

It's interesting that they seem to be reframing "The Kissing Sailor" photograph as a sexual assault, while the original event seems to have been non-consensual as well.…

Some people don't like funerals. Maybe she was close enough with her aunt in life that she didn't need to see her casket to say goodbye. How does going to a premiere instead of her aunts funeral help their brand? Obviously you're not the only one who's going to be judging her, maybe she decided to make her own