
What's this madness? Looks like Perfect dark or something.

I've never heard it but I'll have to check it out. It has strong competition in "Only a Game" and "Whaddya Know". WK sounds like it's being broadcast out of a retirement home.

I read the headline and thought there was going to be a vita game...sigh.

This game doesn't look very fun, but I like that movie adaptations are moving to mobile platforms. It's unrealistic to make a full console game in the allotted time. It's much better that they make cheap, little, decent mobile games that satisfy the urge to play the movie, but isn't too ambitious. It reaches a wider

Do we know he didn't just record playing the game on PS3 and then put the video on the Vita? That prank's been done before...

Yeah, I was hoping for 3d plane on plane combat. This is a 2d shooter. I wouldn't really consider that dogfighting.


I love Emily Heller! Baby Geniuses is my favorite podcast! Well... top 2 definitely. BEYOND!

Love Stray Sheep! Anyone want to meet up there tonight for drinks?

I actually think fast food is kind of amazing, it's a modern marvel. Could you imagine going to a restaurant 100 years ago and saying I want 3 different food items and soda, I want it hot, I want it for $5 (or a nickel, whatever the inflation equivalent would have been) and I want it in less than 1 minute?

As long as *you're* a common douchehat.

It may be pretentious but it's not uncommon. Movie aficionados may fume when people show up in droves to see Transformers 3. Everybody likes to hate on boy bands or Britney Spears. Jalopnik hates Toyota Camrys.

I agree, I had a crunchwrap supreme the other day, but I don't tell my friends "Oh my god, have you tried Taco Bell on Charlotte? Their crunchwrap supreme is awesome!" Yes it's cheap and filling and has a lot of flavor, I like it, but I don't think it's good mexican food, or even mexican food at all. And everybody

What makes me so mad about the ridiculous sushi in the states is that there doesn't seem to be Any understanding of how bad it is. I know theres a place for cheap messy food. Americans generally understand the difference between fine mexican cuisine and Taco Bell. I eat taco bell every once in a while and enjoy it,

Then you are clearly a craze. You'll soon go the way of beanie babies.

The videogame craze? Is the internet a craze as well? Because it hasn't been around as long as videogames have.

The problem with this is the mixing of violence with sexuality. Here it's just a guy stabbing a woman in specifically her breasts as opposed to any other part. You might say, hey violence is violence, but the extreme end of the violence against women spectrum is rape. Would you be okay with rape being portrayed as

I love this stock image in relation to the article.

This made me think about lightsabers. Do you think lightsabers just look like they're stretching into sheets while in motion, or do they actually continue to exist in space for a split second after the hilt projecting it has moved (kind of like trons lightcycles)? If it does continue to exist in space, that would make

I've been playing the crap out of Plants VS Zombies on the toilet.