
Don't have kids unless you really really want them.

She's such a badass. I'm pretty sure she doesn't give a flying fuck what her detractors think of her. If anything it makes her stronger, like the pink slime from Ghostbusters 2.

I thought it was "buhbest" like "buhbomb".

They seem to have taken the sound effects and music for the rest of the video. Why would they be concerned about copyrights for just one song?

Why didn't they use the actual Goldeneye elevator music? It was so awesome!

Why can't we all just let go of our need to own things and start living in the next house that becomes available? Traffic would be so much worse that way.

She's just trying to do her part. We need people working on all fronts to destroy the misogyny that's infected the game industry. We need developers, journalists, podcasters, bloggers, community contributors, and of course ,just plain gamers. I don't think it's bad to have another voice to draw attention to the

I totally voted with my dollars. Normally, when I read sexist/racist/ asshole trolls on the internet, the only thing I can do is get pissed and maybe try to argue in futility. But the great thing about kickstarter is that I can get pissed and send Anita money. The more pissed I get, the more money I send!

my bad :P

How much is most? Even if he repays 99% of it, he's still stolen 170 thousand dollars.

I believe Republic Commando took a harder edge approach to the property as well as some of the books (I really enjoyed Darth Plagueis and it was pretty dark). I think The Force Unleashed took a more traditional approach to star wars and gave us one average game and one tepid game. There have been countless

Same reason I'm optimistic for Blu-rays of the unspecial editions.

I kind of like the idea of a gritty more practical look at what battles in Star wars are like. If they could make them look realistic but still have a sci-fi functionality and effects like Perfect Dark, I think that could be pretty cool. If they took that aesthetic and threw in Jedi/Sith with lightsabers, that could

This looks great! Ship it! Is there any way I can purchase it without an X-Box just to show there is demand?

I think Alyx is the most over-hyped female in games. She is a damsel in distress whenever it's convenient for the plot, and they imply this creepy relationship with a man who has never spoken to her. I think she's pretty shallow and just because she dresses practically and is a mechanic, people hold her up as a

Huh, I just checked the dictionary and apparently evolvement is a word. I wonder what the difference is between evolvement and evolution.

evolvment? You used evolution later on, why did you make up a word? Also, themselves, not themselfes.

Makes me think of Krieger from Archer.

I like the building aspect of post release content. If I had everything then that Battlefield 3 has now, I would be totally overwhelmed and probably not dip into a bunch of the game modes. By building the experience from basic fundamentals and adding new weapons and game modes, I get to spend time acclimating to every