
Can't wait to play it on ouya!

That's the ridiculous paradox of having a g rated license with a laser sword that can cut through anything.

Totally agree on Battlefront 3. It would be crazy if they could mix the swordplay of MGR with battlefield combat. The heroes in BF2 were so overpowered anyway, it would make it even better if they could actually dismember the normal soldiers. Or slice up vehicles.... maybe that's too much.

If you want good swordplay you need to play Metal Gear Rising. It's so crazy good! It's got a great mix of fast paced messy imprecise sword action and focused slow-mo precision cutting. It may be the most satisfying melee combat game I have ever played.

They should have platinum games make a force unleashed game. If it's anything like Metal gear rising, it will be the best lightsaber game ever made. Remember when Haden Blackman said they wouldn't nerf the lightsaber and then they totally did except for very specific instances with quicktime events?

I'm a guy but I periodically shave everything below the waist ... you know just because it feels and looks good. Unfortunately I have terrible dry skin that gets irritated by it so it doesn't look great even if it's hairless. I shave my armpits regularly, the skin there isn't nearly as bad as my legs.

I was just trying to have this conversation on facebook. Thank you! End horse racing and I'll listen to your complaints abut horse eating.

I'm really tired of overreactive hair and clothing in games. Like when a character is wearing a heavy coat and the collar billows in a light breeze. You'd have to be standing under a helicopter for a heavy coat collar to budge.

Pizza hut is my favorite of the big three, but I love Jet's Pizza so much! Their deep dish square pizzas are insanely good. Like how are any of the other chains still in business good. And the crust is the best part of the pizza (much like brownies), the reason they offer the 8 corner pizza.We usually get just

I'm kind of shocked that Laputa beat out Nausicaa. But they're both excellent totally deserving of love.

They could have hit someone with a flying gallon of liquid.

There's nothing funny about this video.

Games have been remarkably resilient to inflation. Especially considering the huge increase in production value and staff. They've only crept up like $15 since SNES. Action figures have tripled or quadrupled since that time. It used to be that the quality was getting better, but hasbro has been sliding back in

It's totally fine to sell swag if it's stuff you're not interested in. If you're disinterested enough to let it go, and someone is a big enough fan to want to pay for it, what's the problem?

You can only be embarrassed if you have shame. I love toys, one of the great joys of adulthood is that you get to decide how you spend your money. I'd much rather spend money on toys and games than going to a bar (I drink, but not at bars, it's so overpriced, you can get an action figure for the price of one drink).

Severnaya in Goldeneye?

I think you mean "Traitor" as in someone who betrays their own.

This is why we need to do away with tipping, there are customers who are senile or assholes or both, and there are servers who shouldn't be serving. I hate tipping low on bad service because 1) I got bad service, 2) I feel shitty for having to tip low, and 3) chances are the server is not going to take that as a