
I'm so glad that all of these Kotaku readers are relationship experts. They've taught me that love is black and white, you're either in love and faithful or you are slime (not the Dragon Quest kind either).

It's so hurtful when you're in pain because of something the other person did and they're obviously ignoring you.

My girlfriend and I play Tetris a lot. We never keep score and are just happy to have another activity to do together. Even though we play VS, we're never upset when the other sends us some lines. That's the whole point of the game.

I loved Portal, it might even be a better more concise experience, but Portal 2 had possibly the best moment in videogames I have ever experienced. Without spoiling it, you feel that all hope is lost and there's nothing left, you are presented with a Shawshank Redemption-type moment where you know exactly what you

Yeah, why is no-one mentioning actually falling in love in these scenarios, just because you're in a committed loving relationship doesn't mean you can't fall in love with someone else.

I think I'm in the same situation, but it's hard to say without any experience. I'm thinking that it's because she's so genuinely loving and she really seems to have no interest in any other men that: 1) it's hard to imagine her ever cheating, and 2) if she did it must really be something special. I know she would

A year into PS3, I felt the high purchase price at launch was totally worth everything I was able to get out of the machine. It's only gotten better and better since then.

How dare they use the Jurassic Park font! They know Jurassic park was all about playing god.

You're complaining about women complaining about social injustice. Explain that one to me.

So it's a cultural problem then, brushing problems under the rug also needs to be addressed. I'm really irritated when a culture's historical attitude is used as a shield. America has a continuing history of racism, that doesn't mean we have to just let it go. Sometimes when old people are being racist, someone will

I love the Urban Camo.

What the fuck? Obviously, as long as there is a problem, there should be complaints to try to fix it. Dismissing legitimate complaints is part of the problem.

I think that's good, it really reinforces the article. What more poignant way to show that this industry is awful to women.

My PSN ID is Kitten. Because irony. Also because it's easy to remember, easy to say, and close to my actual name, Ken.

Totally agree with others, PS3 is a much better media center for non gamers (and gamers). No annual fees, easy interface, Blu-ray, plays well with peripherals (keyboards, Bluetooth, hard drives, etc.)

mmmm I love duck!

Who let that lowly stormtrooper into that Tie interceptor?

I didn't know Natural Selection 2 was a Mario type game!? Edit: Fixed, but I can't delete my comment. inconvenient.

I did the same thing with my PS3. I revived it once to keep playing for a few weeks, and then a second time to copy all the files. I keep my old ps3 one shelf under my new Slim. It's just too beautiful, I keep it covered to keep the dust off of it, but I like to look at it sometimes.

They could so annualize Battlefront, I would pre-order that!