
This and magic weight loss pills. If there was something that worked, they would never have to advertise ever, it would sell itself.

That's a timed exclusive if I've ever seen one.

Lesser informed customers might buy these thinking it can act as a standalone handheld console. Especially when they have commercials with people playing games just on the controller. It may not be apparent to the average consumer that it needs to be tethered to the Wii U. For that price who wouldn't expect that it's

Oh I would totally vote Nutella. I am so tired of this cultural bacon frenzy. Sure it's good, but people treat it like it's pizza or something. Bacon is super unhealthy and easy to screw up. It's good occasionally, maybe on a wedge salad. But I'm so tired of people making sculptures and sundaes and churches out of

It's so strange seeing modern lighting and smooth rendering applied to old low quality textures.

This seems especially strange since the hands are what we use to play games. Not being scientific, but doesn't it seem like you should test a bodypart not involved in the game playing?

Fuck Yeah! Can't wait to go! All you "Why do they even need a Gaymercon" babies can suck it, because 1500 people and $91,000 said we want a Gaymercon!

Sounds like a joke Mr. Burns would play.

Can I play this on Gree on Ouya?

That sounded like metal gear solid 3 music during the end fight. From the scene where Snake is running from Ocelot in the sewers after his prison escape.

Awesome! I live in Nashvile and had to repost that on facebook, I credited and linked you.

I wonder if they'll clean up the dialogue as well.

I had a bunch of Godzilla books growing up including these illustrations. I love the dissected view of Mecha-King Ghidora.

Time slows down for first kisses.

Why couldn't they mess up the PS3 pricing?

Awesome lady! Hilarious videos, good for you calling out these entitled assholes.

When I was young, I always assumed that "indian giver" was about the american government giving territory and making promises to "Indians" and then taking it away from them. The phrase didn't make any sense to me otherwise.

As much as I like MLP, I hate the word bronies. MLP fandom is genderless.

This is what's kind of awesome about Kickstarter. Whenever I see homophobes, racists, sexist misogynists, etc. complaining about their white male privilege being infringed upon by documentaries or conventions, instead of wasting my time trying to argue with them, I can just give money and actually make a difference.

how fast were the taste tests? having multiple tastes of a similar drink in quick succession might dull the taste buds or cause confusing taste perceptions.