
Mike Taylor can tweet whatever he wants and MC Chris can do whatever he wants at his show, and they can both deal with the consequences.

I was at an MC Chris concert when he kicked out an asshole who was insulting everyone and trying to start a mosh pit where one clearly didn't belong. This is clearly a different situation but the crowd was happy and chanted as the kid got escorted out. I think the important thing is he watches out for his own, and if

Thank you so much for this! I'm so tired of everyone thinking they are in the know by rubbing their chopsticks together. Also, stop drowning your sushi in wasabi and soy sauce, you're supposed to be able to taste the sushi. Would you douse a filet mignon with salt?

smart using the turret tripod legs as the portal guns spider arms.

I hope this helps a lot of game developers out. Getting extra income from AU and not having to expend extra time and resources editing a game.

I love this song, I've had it on so many ipod playlists, and I sang it at karaoke a few times as well. The awful shame is that when they released the HD collection, they added some logos and threw off the timing so the song and visuals don't match up. It was awful.

That's cool that you will be able to recognize actual military in the game world.

I thought she was good and then when I recognized that she was Lana I was so excited! She seems really cool. Who was that guy backstage though, I'd never heard of him and he was about has hilarious as Mr. Caffeine.

GTA SA did a really good job of conveying the sensation of falling. My most memorable fall was accidentally jumping off a cliff on a dirtbike in the mountains. I felt my stomach jump like when you ride a rollercoaster.

Didn't even mention how fun it is to use falling against enemies. Whether it's luring enemies to their doom, knocking the ground out from under an enemy, grappling them and pulling them off a ledge, or falling on top of an enemy with a vehicle or weapon. I loved luring large, powerful, soulful enemies to an easy death

I love tom McShea, I'm bummed that Gamespot US is currently podcast-less.

I like this, but do they let you build your own vehicles? I've been disappointed in all of these lego games not actually letting you build creatively, which is kind of what lego was all about.

I bought a Seagate Momentus 250gb hard drive in 2009 that's been working great, it outlived my launch PS3 so I transferred it to my PS3 slim in 2011. I just chose seagate because that was the brand that came in the PS3.

I was hoping they would stick with the young inexperienced vulnerable Lara Croft trying her best to survive, but apparently, in college she took "accurately firing a shotgun while tumbling down a river" as an elective.


I can't wait for this, I'm really liking seeing Gabriel's continued transformation. I guess Gabriel is already the antagonist? It would be cool if it were more ambiguous than that.

They need to just go ahead and make a hawkeye move game, because archery in sports champions was awesome.

Thank you, I don't get why everyone is getting mad at the artist for burning it rather than Hermes for selling a bag for $100,000.

Why is everyone getting mad at the artist, rather than a company that is selling bags made of crocodile for $100,000?

I agree about the cover. One thing I enjoy about Uncharted was that I would often chance it and try to run into a gunfight, shoot and punch enemies (for the unfamiliar, uncharted had a one-two combo that most unarmored eneies could be taken out with one shot from any gun followed by a melee attack). It was still