
Please explain to me, because I honestly don't understand. Why does population have to grow? Why can't we just level out. Why can't couples just have two kids (not literally, I mean on average)? I don't understand this need to grow the population? Why would we want to make technology that allows our civilization to

That makes me sad, because I don't want to come off as a nihilist. I love life, I love people, I love making new friends and hanging out. I love spontaneously going for breakfast at midnight. I'm very sentimental and romantic. I'm a really happy guy, not much gets me down. I just see that society is too concerned

Sorry, I think spamming responses to different comments is muddling the conversation.

How's this for simple: In the past 50 years the US has slashed infant mortality by half. In the past century, we've doubled our life expectancy. It took the human race until 1920 to reach 2 billion people. In less than a century we've more than tripled that amount.

For the many reasons it's great not to breed, check out the voluntary human extinction movement.

The most important reason I'm not having children is that neither my girlfriend of 8 years or I have any interest in it. There's no better reason, no point in bringing a child into a home where it's not wanted.

1. I was almost aborted because the doctor couldn't find my heartbeat. If I was aborted, I wouldn't be around to lament my non-existence. I like existing, but that's because I already exist. I have 3 siblings, my absence wouldn't be a big deal.

Why would I want kids? Thy cost money, take up time, I don't get to sleep for a few years. They don't really do much for me. Or my girlfriend. There's just nothing that appeals to us about them. We love our nephews and nieces, but then we don't have to wake up at 4am to feed them or take them to school. I would say

Thanks for the tip, I hadn't bothered to check most of them.

They haven't made decent manuals since Super NES. Except for MGS series tends to have great extensive manuals. But I'd rather them not waste paper to tell me what I already know.

This is great! I love the trend of offering alternate box art on the reverse. I noticed that twisted metal has a cleaner version of the cover and a classier back of box design on the reverse.

Being a big gamer, I was pretty out of shape until a couple years ago. I was also very averse to classes for the same reason. But working out on my own wasn't yielding the results I wanted, and my climbing buddy tried a Yoga class and was pretty impressed.

"she never should have assumed I was unhappy" Boom! that was awesome!

Yeah, I hate these closed minded backwards thinking researchers who want to validate traditional ways of thinking, rather than accept that 1) the world is changing and 2) the world was probably never how you thought it was to begin with.

you two are awesome.

Try going to fitness classes or yoga. I go to a climbing gym and there's a lot of awesome people there. They offer weekly circuit training classes and yoga and there are a fair amount of regulars, so you can get to know them over a few weeks in a no pressure situation. The added bonus is you can get in shape, if

sorry, I counted the wrong side of the commas :P

Biologically, we have a totally useless appendix. We should all have long scraggly hair and beards, body odor, and try to eat as much as we can whenever we can and spend a lot of time on our feet. Biologically we should make babies when we're teens and die in our forties. We have this thing called society that

Have a girlfriend. No urge to breed. I love money and time. I love playing videogames. Why would I want to throw that away when I could be investing in a retirement account or my niece's college fund? The world already has way too many people.

Metal Gear Remake please! I want to see them retell the story of the first epic encounter between Big Boss and Solid Snake.