
And when you score, the announcer yells "SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...."

I don't know why Resident Evil would use the second circle pad, it's not like they ever put the 2nd stick to good use on console.

This is ridiculous. $20 and it requires a separate battery? It should have cost $10 and leech off the 3DS battery, though I guess that would shorten it's already abysmal 4 hour lifespan.

Can't wait for Thirnd Impact!

I love this trend.

Some good points there. I feel like the single act of casual misogyny isn't a big deal on it's own, but both a symptom and cause of an atmosphere where people think misogyny is ok. Seeing that line of code, whether in the office or on this site, makes people think its okay do be a little sexist, seeing the lukewarm

It's an attribute to the character so it's calling her a whore with feminist describing "whore". It's still offensive just describing feminist as whore and obviously, people use whore as a derogatory term to demean all kinds of women, not just workers in the sex industry.

Real feminist, not shrugging and laughing. Even if it weren't offensive, it's not funny. Might be hilarious to a middle schooler but they love any word that can't be in a PG movie.

I'm a feminist on Kotaku, kind of pleasantly surprised with how civil the comments have been. Might just be the featured ones though.


Aside from the occasional but relatively unpredictable natural disaster, there's the tons of nuclear waste that are extremely toxic for what might as well be an eternity. We're putting that in the ground for later generations to deal with. Do you trust every truck and driver that carries that toxic waste to it's stink

Nuclear power is the safest form of power. Just ask Japan. Totally safe.

I'm sure the uproar will come as soon as anyone who takes it seriously notices.

I think this gives both videogames and liberals a bad name. It may be fun for those who it's aimed at, but it's bad for both the cause of videogames and Liberals.

They better sell it for dirt cheap because this is another slap in the face to early adopters.

I just want to know how they could have thought just a year ago "Yeah, 1 circlepad is enough" and then so desperately change their minds in such a messy way. Yeah the 3DS didn't sell well but I'm sure it had more to do with the games than the second circlepad. I guess it could also be the poor sales combined with the

If this leads to a new 3DS with it's namesake DualSticks then I welcome it. I may actually end up with a 3DS if they get a decent looking new version with 2 circlepads and enough decent games to make it worthwhile.

I loved the design of the original DS, I still have it. Though it would have been 500% better if the original design had 2 circle pads.

It's weird seeing the sophisticated camera movements and improved vehicle physics used on such bland textures. The water looks ridiculously rudimentary.

I hate it, it's such a dumb thing to add. It's like when high school kids quote monty python and think they're being hilarious.