"Finally" as if we've all been waiting for a franchise with one of the most complicated interfaces to come to the most rudimentary control device.
Battlefield 3 looks better and better. I wasn't crazy about BFBC2's campaign but this looks really tense.
This is the sequel I've been waiting to also forget ever existed!
The best villains never think they are evil. Big Boss and Magneto for example. If a game is going to allow for an "evil path" it shouldn't be clear, they should bait you with power and control, and by the time you've realized you've chosen a machiavellian path it's too late.
I've been waiting for a Transformers game that looks good enough to buy, war for cybertron looked good but the environments looked so drab and repetitive. This looks like it might be the game I was waiting for.
They need to stop letting the car forms move sideways, the great thing about transformers is they are 2 totally different forms. if the cars have the same mobilty as the robot forms, then whats the point?
Call of Duty: Redemption. Make it where you have to go and kill Jesus. You have to travel back in a time machine because instead of dying for your sins, he high-fives Satan and blows up the earth. That's my opinion for what you should do for the game. Spoiler alert, you play as judas but he gets killed in first…
I finish almost all the games I buy, alot of them I'll play through multiple times. But I don't play as many games in a year because most of my games will last me a month or more.
I feel pretty gypped. I bought a PSeye long time ago because I thought it was going to go somewhere, now if I want any kind of discount bundle I'm going to end up buying the PSeye again. What about a bundle for early adopters who already have the PSeye?
The Halo series are all great games, but I really think he's one of the most dull characters in popular gaming. How can anyone consider him for this list?
I think it's a little disingenuous to claim that not having Chris Evans voice would be a detriment. Granted I love Chris Evans and I think he's a great charismatic actor, but great actors can give poor performances in video games. I would much prefer an dedicated voice-actor give it their best rather than a real actor…
I think the problem with Iron Man as a game is that it's hard to make compelling combat with a character who is nearly invincible and capable of agile flight (This is why superman games never work out). Similar problem with Hulk, though traversal is more fun with the hulk since it's not just point where you want to…
It's especially confusing because on Xbox live you also accrue a gamerscore through achievements, it would be a normal assumption to make for an 11yr old that as you play and earn points, you can then use those points you earn to buy new dlc. I think it's hard for a child to understand that non-tangible things can…
I've been keeping in touch with my best friend from elementary school by playing on the PSN. He's in Japan now so we can only play in the morning or late night on the weekend when our free time matches up. Mostly BFBC2 We keep in better touch now than when we were in high school. It's nice to have a visual…
This is great, I'm so tired of youtube users in general who don't know what the meaning of editing is. Nobody wants to see a minute of wandering around before a mediocre headshot. And stop with the overly long titlecards with angsty fonts.
This is such bull, I haven't had cable in close to a decade and I love it! I get everything I need from netflix and the library. If I need something in a pinch that netflix doesnt stream I've got PSN, VUDU, Hulu. I don't miss liveTV at all.
I was definitely interested in the 3ds with about 50% chance of buying, only based on hardware, I didn't see anything but Metal gear that I would be interested in game-wise(though I would skip a 3ds MGS3 if an HD rerelease came out). I now have zero interest in a 3ds and am probably about 95% sure I will buy the NGP…
I hope the long development time is reflective of Sony's learning from the failed PS3 launch. Hopefully the price will be right and the games great. They have a chance at beating the 3ds, at least with hardcore gamers.